Un refuge forestier menacé : la forêt d'altitude à Parinari du Mont Tonkoui en Côte d'Ivoire : évaluation de la biodiver...
Published in Environmental Management
When the Amazonian rain forest is cut to create pasture, some of the original vegetal species survive clearing, even expressing their ability to invade agro-systems. It is true of the babassu palm, which can be considered, paradoxically, a natural resource by the “Interstate Movement of Babassu Fruit Breaker Women” or as native weed by land owners-...
When the Amazonian rain forest is cut to create pasture, some of the original vegetal species survive clearing, even expressing their ability to invade agro-systems. It is true of the babassu palm, which can be considered, paradoxically, a natural resource by the "Interstate Movement of Babassu Fruit Breaker Women" or as native weed by land owners-...
When the Amazonian rain forest is cut to create pasture, some of the original vegetal species survive clearing, even expressing their ability to invade agro-systems. It is true of the babassu palm, which can be considered, paradoxically, a natural resource by the "Interstate Movement of Babassu Fruit Breaker Women" or as native weed by land owners-...
When the Amazonian rain forest is cut to create pasture, some of the original vegetal species survive clearing, even expressing their ability to invade agro-systems. It is true of the babassu palm, which can be considered, paradoxically, a natural resource by the "Interstate Movement of Babassu Fruit Breaker Women" or as native weed by land owners-...
When the Amazonian rain forest is cut to create pasture, some of the original vegetal species survive clearing, even expressing their ability to invade agro-systems. It is true of the babassu palm, which can be considered, paradoxically, a natural resource by the "Interstate Movement of Babassu Fruit Breaker Women" or as native weed by land owners-...
A distinctive new monotypic genus from Gabon is described in the tropical plant family Annonaceae: Sirdavidia, in honor to Sir David Attenborough. Molecular phylogenetic analyses confirm that Sirdavidia, which is very distinct from a morphological standpoint, is not nested in any existing genus of Annonaceae and belongs to tribe Piptostigmateae (su...
Et si l'or vert de la Nouvelle-Calédonie n'était pas les roches nickélifères enfouies dans son sous-sol mais plutôt ses forêts luxuriantes qui habillent la Chaîne Centrale ? Installées depuis des millions d'années, que sait-on aujourd'hui de ces forêts ? Comment fonctionnent-elles ? Comment sont-elles organisées ? Comment se régénèrent-elles ? Et s...
Cartographier et classifier les forêts denses humides (FDH) selon une typologie structurale objective est un enjeu majeur pour leur conservation et leur gestion. Les principales contraintes dans l'étude des FDH sont dues à leur forte hétérogénéité et à leur faible accessibilité. Les images satellitaires Pléiades offrent de nouvelles opportunités po...