The allyl chloride (ALC) epoxidation method for preparing epichlorohydrin (ECH) has outstanding advantages such as atom efficiency and environmental friendliness. However, the separation of ECH from the ECH/H2O/ALC/methanol (MET) quaternary system is still a great challenge for industrial interest. A hybrid extraction-distillation process is explor...
The allyl chloride (ALC) epoxidation method for preparing epichlorohydrin (ECH) has outstanding advantages such as atom efficiency and environmental friendliness. However, the separation of ECH from the ECH/H2O/ALC/methanol (MET) quaternary system is still a great challenge for industrial interest. A hybrid extraction-distillation process is explor...
The Forschungszentrum Rossendorf (FZR) e. V. is constructing a new large-scale test facility, TOPFLOW, for thermalhydraulic single effect tests. The acronym stands for transient two phase flow test facility. It will mainly be used for the investigation of generic and applied steady state and transient two phase flow phenomena and the development an...
The only way to get a guaranteed supply and technically feasible solution to obtain electric energy without producing Carbondioxide is the fission of heavy nuclides. But the radiotoxicity of the remaining nuclear waste has to be minimized using techniques that are available today. Today's nuclear waste disposal strategy requires a safe enclosure fo...
Generation IV ist ein Rahmenprogramm fuer eine internationale Forschungskooperation zur Entwicklung der kuenftigen Generation von Kernenergiesystemen. Es wurde urspruenglich von 10 Nationen vereinbart: Argentinien, Brasilien, Kanada, Frankreich, Japan, Suedkorea, Suedafrika, Schweiz, das Vereinigte Koenigreich und den USA. Ziel ist, innerhalb der n...
Verfondern, K.Nishihara, T. (Forschungszentrum (germany), forschungszentrum juelic...
The high-temperature engineering test reactor (HTTR) in Oarai, Japan, will be worldwide the first plant to demonstrate the production of hydrogen by applying the steam reforming process and using nuclear process heat as primary energy. Particular safety aspects for such a combined nuclear/chemical complex have to be investigated to further detail. ...