It is often argued that urban areas play a significant role in catchment hydrology, but previous studies reported disparate results of urbanization impacts on stream flow. This might stem either from the difficulty to quantify the historical flow changes attributed to urbanization only (and not climate variability) or from the inability to decipher...
An existing procedure developed to measure flow rates through geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs), is adapted to characterize the flow rate through several multicomponent GCLs. Three GCLs and five different multicomponent GCLs were tested from several manufacturers; two multicomponent GCLs are coated with a mass per unit area of coating less than 100 g...
To quantify the flow rate through multicomponent geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs), three different meter-sized specimens from different manufacturers were characterized in a dedicated experimental column. This study allows quantification of the interface transmissivity of multicomponent GCLs when the coating or attached film is damaged over an area ...
The objective of the paper is the presentation of a test method to quantifiy advective flow rates through multicomponent geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs). A procedure was developed, combining measuring devices from EN 14150 for flow rate measurement through geomembranes and a rigid wall permeameter from NF P 84-705 aiming at measuring the flow rates...
Barroso, M.Touze Foltz, N.Von Maubeuge, K.Pierson, Paul
Composite liners comprising a geomembrane with a circular hole, a geosynthetic clay liner and a compacted clay liner were studied in tests conducted at three scales to measure the flow rates at the interface between the geomembrane and the GCL and in the composite liners. The tests conducted aimed at studying the influence of the prehydration of th...
This paper presents equations for the evaluation of advective flow rates though composite liners involving GCLs. Advective flow is due to the existence of defects in the geomembrane and depends on the contact condition between the geomembrane and the GCL. In this paper the geomembrane-geosynthetic clay liner contact condition is quantitatively defi...
The large-scale experiments CometPC-H4 and -H5 investigate cooling of simulated corium melts by flooding the melt from the bottom through layers of porous, water filled concrete. Both experiments use 800 kg of oxidic and metallic melts, initial temperature from 1800 to 1900 C, with simulation of nuclear decay heat by inductive heating with 300 KW t...
Klotz, D. (ed.)GSF - Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und ...
Die Bundes-Bodenschutz und Altlastenverordnung fordert fuer die Gefahrenbeurteilung von Altlasten und bei schaedlichen Bodenveraenderungen fuer den Pfad Boden-Grundwasser eine Sickerwasserprognose, wobei die Quellstaerke der kontaminierenden Materialien und ihre Transportgeschwindigkeit besimmt wird. Die Niederschrift von Vortraegen und Postern des...