Langzeit Auslaug- und Korrosionsexperimente an zementierten 1:1 Gebinden in der Schachtanlage Asse Probennahme und Auswe...
The paper presents the follow-up of experimental findings from full-scale leach tests performed on simulated cemented waste forms for more than 20 years in salt brines and water. Measurements cover pH, density, and the composition of leachates as well as the release of radionuclides such as Cs, U and Np. Indicators for waste form corrosion and radi...
Countermeasures being different from the usual urban ones and largely applicable in industrial area are collected and evaluated in a separate report. The industrial area is defined here as such an area where productive and/or commercial activity is carried out. A good example is a supermarket or a factory. Based on the history of calculation models...
The accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (ChNPP) that took place on April, 26th, 1986 led to a considerable release of radioactive substances which spread to vast parts of Europe. The regions most highly contaminated by this fall-out are Belarus, the Western parts of Russia, and the Northern parts of the Ukraine. It is known that leukaemia...