Savall, Angélique Charles, Rodolphe Trombert, Béatrice Fontana, Luc Roche, Frédéric Pelissier, Carole
Published in
Archives of environmental & occupational health
Firefighters' activities increase the risk of sudden cardiac events. The main objective of this study was to describe the Loire firefighters' cardiovascular risk factors according to their cardiovascular risk and to their professional status. A retrospective study of the entire population of firefighters of the Loire department was conducted. Risk ...
Adamou, R. Dechavanne, Célia Sadissou, I. D'Almeida, T. Bouraima, A. Sonon, P. Amoussa, R. Cottrel, Gilles Le Port, A. Theisen, M.
Background : Substantial evidence indicates that cytophilic IgG responses to Plasmodiumfalciparum merozoite antigens play a role in protection from malaria. The specific targets mediating immunity remain unclear. Evaluating antibody responses in infants naturally-exposed to malaria will allow to better understand the establishment of anti-malarial ...
Henrotin, Jean-Bernard Vaissière, Monique Etaix, Maryline Dziurla, Mathieu Malard, Stéphane Lafon, Dominique
L’objectif de cette étude est de décrire le suivi des grossesses au travail et les expositions professionnelles potentiellement dangereuses pour l’issue d’une grossesse. Une étude descriptive transversale a été réalisée entre le 1er janvier 2014 et le 31 décembre 2014 auprès de services de santé au travail de la région Languedoc-Roussillon. Les sal...
Nielsen, Carole Studer, Regina K. Hildebrandt, Horst Nater, Urs M. Wild, Pascal Danuser, Brigitta Gomez, Patrick
According to cognitive models, the negative perception of one’s performance and the post-event rumination (PER) occurring after stressful social events maintain social anxiety. These aspects have hardly been studied in music performance anxiety (MPA), a specific form of social anxiety. The first aim of this study was to analyze the development of n...
Van De Weerdt, Corinne Morel, Olivier Caël, Catherine
Loin de disparaître du monde du travail, les risques psychosociaux continuent d’inquiéter au sein des organisations. Leur taux est toujours aussi élevé et leurs effets néfastes pour la santé. Il est néanmoins possible d’agir en prévention pour isoler ces risques et les réduire. L’analyse de situations à forte charge émotionnelle, à partir de l’obse...
Grosjean, Vincent Kop, Jean-Luc Formet-Robert, Nadja ALTHAUS, Virginie
La prise en compte des risques psychosociaux dans l'entreprise impose la construction d'un dialogue impliquant, au-delà des partenaires de la prévention, les fonctions ressources humaines et de management. En effet, des actions sur l’organisation du travail sont indispensables dans la mise en place d'actions de réduction de ces risques ou de promot...
Boini, Stephanie Colin, Régis Grzebyk, Michel
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to determine the effect of occupational safety and health (OSH) education during formal schooling on the incidence of workplace injuries (WIs) in young people starting their careers. We hypothesised that young people who had received OSH education during their schooling would have fewer WIs than those who received no OS...
Grusenmeyer, Corinne Wild, Pascal
Les activités de maintenance sont critiques pour la sûreté des installations, mais aussi pour la santé et la sécurité des opérateurs. Si les études sur la sécurité de ces personnels se sont développées ces dernières années, peu de données de santé ou de connaissances des expositions professionnelles des personnels de maintenance sont aujourd'hui di...
Henrotin, Jean-Bernard Vaissière, Monique Etaix, Maryline Dziurla, Mathieu Malard, Stéphane Lafon, Dominique
Published in
Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
BackgroundThis study aimed to investigate the association between exposure to occupational hazards for pregnancy and sick leave (SL) in pregnant workers.MethodsA cross-sectional study was performed in French occupational health services in 2014. Occupational hazards for pregnancy were assessed by occupational health physicians (OHPs). After deliver...
Zeba, A.N. Yaméogo, M.T. Tougouma, S.J. Kassié, D. Fournet, Florence
Unplanned urbanization plays a key role in chronic disease growth. This population-based cross-sectional study assessed the occurrence of cardiometabolic risk factors in Bobo-Dioulasso and their association with urbanization conditions. Methods: Through spatial sampling, four Bobo-Dioulasso sub-spaces were selected for a population survey to measur...