bazzi;, hassan
In this study, we present an operational methodology for mapping irrigated areas at plot scale, which overcomes the limitation of terrain data availability, using Sentinel-1 (S1) C-band SAR (synthetic-aperture radar) and Sentinel-2 (S2) optical time series. The method was performed over a study site located near Orléans city of north-central France...
Ndiaye, P.M. Bodian, A. Diop, L. Deme, A. Dezetter, Alain Djaman, K. Ogilvie, Andrew
Understanding evapotranspiration and its long-term trends is essential for water cycle studies, modeling and for water uses. Spatial and temporal analysis of evapotranspiration is therefore important for the management of water resources, particularly in the context of climate change. The objective of this study is to analyze the trend of reference...
Horwitz, R. Norin, T. Watson, S.-A. Pistevos, J.C.A. Beldade, R. Hacquart, S. Gattuso, J.P. Rodolfo-Metalpa, Riccardo Vidal-Dupiol, J. Killen, S.S.
Environmentally-induced changes in fitness are mediated by direct effects on physiology and behaviour, which are tightly linked. We investigated how predicted ocean warming (OW) and acidification (OA) affect key ecological behaviours (locomotion speed and foraging success) and metabolic rate of a keystone marine mollusc, the sea hare Stylocheilus s...
Amrouni, O. Mahé, Gil Abdeljaouad, S. Abichou, H. Hattour, A. Akrout, N. Bancon Montigny, C. Benmoussa, T. Ben Mustapha, K. Chouba, L.
The present work is based on The RYSCMED project supported by PHC-UTIQUE 2016-2018 (16G 1005 –34854QC). The RYSCMED is an interdisciplinary project which gathers different disciplines (e.g. sedimentology, hydrology, geochemistry, ecology, paleontology, biochemistry, archeology) to quantify the sediment flow of the land-sea. This research aims at id...
Bader, Jean-Claude Poussin, Jean-Christophe
On met en évidence une fluctuation périodique du niveau du fleuve Sénégal à la station de Podor en période d'étiage, qui s'ajoute à l'évolution moyenne du niveau et se traduit par un réhaussement en début de journée à 8H et un abaissement en fin de journée à 18H. Ce signal périodique analyse de décembre à juin s'observe sur toute la période analysé...
Germain, J.F. Goergen, G. Reynaud, P. Silvie, Pierre
Contexte - Depuis 2016, la noctuelle Spodoptera frugiperda, d'origine américaine, s'est établie en Afrique subsaharienne. Sa grande nuisibilité est constatée notamment sur le maïs. Présentation - Ses caractéristiques sont détaillées : morphologie et critères de différenciation d'avec les trois autres principales espèces de Spodoptera, biologie ave...
Yemadje, P.L. Chevallier, Tiphaine Guibert, H. Bertrand, I. Bernoux, Martial
Increasing soil organic matter (SOM) is of primary importance for maintaining soil fertility and mitigating climate change. Leaving crop residues on top of soil is not always an efficient means of increasing SOM because (i) of the high mineralization of the crop residues, (ii) crop residues may increase the mineralization of existing SOM (priming e...
Zucker, Jean-Daniel Choisy, Marc
Dengue is a mosquito-borne tropical disease caused by one of the four serotypes of dengue virus. There are about 2,5 billion people living in endemic areas. The potential influence of environmental and climatic factors on the transmission of mosquito-borne diseases are expected in many situations but the exact real influences of climatic variables ...
Descroix, Luc Mahé, Gil Olivry, Jean-Claude Albergel, Jean Tanimoun, B. Amadou, I. Coulibaly, B. Bouzou Moussa, I. Faran Maiga, O. m., malam abdou.
Yemadje, P.L. Chevallier, Tiphaine Guibert, H. Bertrand, I. Bernoux, Martial
Increasing soil organic matter (SOM) is of primary importance for maintaining soil fertility and mitigating climate change. Leaving crop residues on top of soil is not always an efficient means of increasing SOM because (i) of the high mineralization of the crop residues, (ii) crop residues may increase the mineralization of existing SOM (priming e...