Feng, Min Bourazzouq, Driss
This study qualitatively analyzes interactional coping strategies used to manage technostress in the post-adoption stage of information technology implementation at a French legal firm. The nine strategies are participatory, collaborative, conflict resolution, bureaucratic coping (adaptation), perceived contribution to exchange, loyalty, affect, pr...
Cruz Alvarado, Yaneli Boughzala, Imed Assar, Saïd
Technology and mobile devices have been successfully integrated in peoples´ everyday activities. Educational institutions around the world are increasing their interest to create mobile learning (ML) environments considering the advantage of connectivity, situated learning, individualized learning, social interactivity, portability, affordability a...
Cruz Alvarado, Yaneli BOUGHZALA, Imed Assar, Saïd
Technology and mobile devices have been successfully integrated in peoples' everyday activities. Educational institutions around the world have increased their interest to create mobile learning (ML) environments considering the advantage of connectivity, situated learning, individualized learning, social interactivity, portability, affordability a...
Recker, Jan
Conceptual modeling is the process of building a representation of selected phenomena in a problem domain for the purpose of understanding and communication among stakeholders (Wand and Weber 2002) in the process of information systems analysis and design. A crucial element in the context of conceptual modeling is the ‘conceptual modeling grammar’,...
Recker, Jan Rosemann, Michael
Process modeling has become an essential aspect of information systems (IS) practice. In line with the increased popularity, a plethora of process modeling techniques has been proposed over time. Yet, despite the proliferation of techniques, only a few have been widely accepted by practitioner communities. However, the long-term viability of a proc...
ya-ling, chen
[[abstract]]摘要 專業虛擬社群是由網際網路上一群具有相同專業背景的人,因互動所凝聚而 成的團體。專業虛擬社群的目的是要鼓勵社群成員透過社群網站發掘及運用知 識。然而,有釵h專業社群因會員大量流失而無法繼續經營。因此,本研究整合 情境、技術和人三個理論觀點,提出一個二階段的理論模型來探討專業社群成員 的持續使用意願。資料收集是以Delphi K Top專業虛擬社群為對象,以「新會員」 為樣本,進行使用前和使用後兩個階段的問卷調查,共收集361 份有效問卷。研 究結果顯示,使用後階段的社會資本、滿意度、知識創造自我效能以及態度對於 持續使用意願皆有顯著影響,而這些使用後階段的因素又與期望的確認有顯著的 關係。本研究結果可作為專業虛擬社群或是實務社群經營者擬定策略時的參考依 據。 / ...
chien, shih
[[abstract]]虛擬社群,尤其是專業虛擬社群(如虛擬實務社群等),促進我們更有效率的在網際際路上分享知識。有些學者提出在虛擬社群中知識的取得是會員參與社群的主要誘因。本研究的目的在整合科技接受模式、期望確認理論及社會認知論等三個理論去探討影響持續使用虛擬知識社群意願的主要因素。本研究以二階段問卷調查來對Delphi K.Top知識社群上208個會員進行十個假說的驗證。結果顯示,會員的「滿意度」與使用後「態度的改變」對會員「持續使用虛擬知識社群的意願」確實有正面的影響;會員最初「知識創造自我效能」期望的建立對「確認」有明顯的影響;「知識創造自我效能」與「確認」的建立對「知識創造自我效能的改變」有正面的影響;「態度」與「滿意度」的建立對「態度的改變」有明顯的的影響;會員的知識創造自我效能...