Jabot, Françoise Massot, Caroline
Introduction : L’évaluation d’impact sur la santé (EIS) se développe rapidement en France. Elle est proche d’autres démarches, telles que l’évaluation de politiques publiques (EPP) avec laquelle elle est parfois confondue.But de l’étude : Cet article a pour objectifs d’identifier les similitudes et différences entre EIS et EPP et d’apprécier dans q...
Dumont, Guillaume
This article investigates ethnographically how early-stage impact investors evaluate the credibility of the impact promises made by social entrepreneurs. Uncovering how investors carry out this task beyond observable characteristics and self-reported prosocial intentions, I propose that their evaluation of impact promises centers on four interrelat...
Russell, Cayley Ali, Farihah Imtiaz, Sameer Butler, Amanda Greer, Alissa Rehm, Jürgen
Published in
BMC public health
On January 31st, 2023, the province of British Columbia (BC), Canada, was granted a federal exemption allowing adults (aged 18 +) to possess up to 2.5 g of select illicit drugs. The exemption will be in place for three years (2023-2026), marking the first formal decriminalization of illicit drug policy reform in Canada. BC's decriminalization initi...
Gilles-Noguès, Eléonor Megalakaki, Olga Vera Cruz, Germano
Ce poster présente la méthodologie mise en place pour l'évaluation de l'efficacité du programme de prévention des violences sexuelles CAP consentement.
Giraudin, Eric Forestier, Germain Many, Holly
Nous vivons une période charnière où l'IA, autrefois réservée à des domaines très spécialisés, commence à s'infiltrer dans nos pratiques quotidiennes, modifiant nos façons d'enseigner, d'apprendre et d'évaluer. Ces technologies offrent une multitude d'opportunités, mais elles soulèvent aussi des interrogations fondamentales sur l'intégrité académiq...
Tsantila, Fotini; 137031; Rugulies, Reiner; Coppens, Evelien; 44404; De Witte, Hans; 13982; Arensman, Ella; Kahar, Abdulla; Cerga-Pashoja, Arlinda; Corcoran, Paul; De Winter, Lars; Greiner, Birgit;
BACKGROUND: Mental health in the workplace is a growing concern for enterprises and policy makers. MENTUPP is a multi-level mental health intervention implemented in small and medium size enterprises from three work sectors in nine countries. This pilot study aimed to evaluate the feasibility, delivery, and instruments for the MENTUPP intervention ...
Rigo, Roberta Houet, Thomas Gonthier, Corentin
Land use and land cover (LULC) scenarios are often co-produced by researchers and a reduced in the scenarios making, restricting the diffusion of scientific results to the co-construction group can limit their potential to support land management. In this study, we want to investigate if disseminating some LUCC scenarios to a broad and heterogeneou...
Waks, S Morrisroe, E Reece, J Fossey, E Brophy, L Fletcher, J
Published in
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology
Sub-acute recovery-oriented facilities offer short-term residential support for people living with mental illness. They are generally highly regarded by consumers, with emerging evidence indicating that these services may support recovery. The aim of the current study was to explore the relationship between personal recovery and consumers' satisfac...
Vos, Julien A M Wollersheim, Barbara M Cooke, Adelaide Ee, Carolyn Chan, Raymond J Nekhlyudov, Larissa
Published in
Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice
To systematically review existing literature on knowledge and confidence of primary care physicians (PCPs) in cancer survivorship care. PubMed, Ovid MEDLINE, CINAHL, Embase, and PsycINFO were searched from inception to July 2022 for quantitative and qualitative studies. Two reviewers independently assessed studies for eligibility and quality. Outco...
Moreau, Erwan Hardiman, Orla Heverin, Mark O’sullivan, Declan
Background: Literature-based discovery (LBD) aims to help researchers to identify relations between concepts which are worthy of further investigation by text-mining the biomedical literature. While the LBD literature is rich and the field is considered mature, standard practice in the evaluation of LBD methods is methodologically poor and has not ...