Between contestation and compromise? An evolutionary analysis of eurosceptic MEPs in the EP's INTA committee
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status: published
Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, EU enlargement has regained prominence on the EU agenda. I examine the politicisation of enlargement and arguments for and against enlargement in two debates in the European parliament conducted in November 2023. This is done with a postfunctionalist outlook, expecting that polarisation on the subject will...
Cette thèse entend compléter et étendre les connaissances relatives aux propriétés sociales et aux pratiques des représentants d’intérêts agissant dans l’espace administratif et politique européen. Ce travail de recherche s’intéresse aux « intermittents » de la représentation d’intérêts à Bruxelles, c’est-à-dire des acteurs qui n'investissent le ch...
After having been set aside as an unattainable goal during the years of the Barroso II Commission, the reform of the Posting of Workers Directive (PWD) was brought back to centre stage by the political guidelines outlined by President Juncker in his speech of July 15, 2014, in front of the European Parliament. At the time, Mr. Juncker committed to ...
Two surprisingly long reform processes marked the last mandate of the European Parliament (EP): the Visa Code recast and the Copyright directive. Both had been discussed since 2014, with final versions of the texts only adopted in spring 2019, just a few weeks before the new elections. Caught up in the institutional constraints of the ordinary legi...
International audience
Published in Comparative European Politics
This article, for the first time, analyses vertical networking among parliamentary groups and elected politicians from the same Europarty in the EU. It explores how, concerned about its growing ideological diversity, political fragmentation and recent sovereigniste tendencies, the European People’s Party Group in the European Parliament has sought ...
Over the past 25 years, a field of research concerning the careers of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) has developed. Drawing on a massive amount of accessible open data, we have assembled an updated database including all MEPs from 1979 to September 2019. In this note, we describe the data collection processes and the construction of the ...
Evropski parlament je politično telo, ki že dolgo časa razdvaja javnost. Njegovi nasprotniki po eni strani trdijo, da je tako politično in kulturno heterogen organ nezmožen učinkovitega delovanja, po drugi strani pa naj bi evropski poslanci hitro izgubili stik s svojimi volivci ter glasovali predvsem tako, kot jim to naročijo vodje skupin. Zanimalo...
In April 2019 the European Parliament adopted its position on the so-called Mobility Package, a set of proposals for new rules for the transport sector within the European Union. Ever since the Mobility Package was first laid forward by the European Commission in 2017, it has been a contentious issue both within and outside of the European institut...