Lo, Noble Po-kan
Published in
Frontiers in Sociology
This article examines the regulatory framework related to human trafficking in Hong Kong and identifies its deficiencies as the lack of an accepted internationally compliant definition of trafficking and the absence of any specific criminal offence of trafficking as a result. The article compares the approach taken in Hong Kong to efforts undertake...
Bień, Alicja
Freedom of religion is one of the fundamental fundamental rights. As a human right, it is guaranteed by international law, European law, as well as national laws. It is a right that presents many challenges, especially in the context of the conflict between individual freedom, equality, and between individual autonomy and the collective freedoms of...
Dumont, Gérard-François
S’interroger sur la politique migratoire de l’Union européenne nécessite d’abord de préciser combien ses fondements sont bien antérieurs à la création en 1957 du Marché commun et, plus encore, à l’instauration de l’UE en novembre 1993 à la suite du traité de Maastricht. C’est ensuite considérer ce qui justifiait de compléter ces fondements et qui s...
Andriantsimbazovina, Joël Dormoy, Daniel M'Saidie, Thomas Ziller, Jacques
Malgré l'absence des termes outre-mer dans la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme, la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme a développé une jurisprudence sur les "outre-mer". Elle s'efforce d'identifier les outre-mer et de déterminer des statuts pour les bénéficiaires des droits garantis. Elle fait apparaître également la neutralisation des...
gavriil, eleni
The article herein examines the case-law interplay between human rights and international investment law. An example of this interplay is the relation of property rights to protection from expropriation. In this study, a conceptual framework is developed, which represents the various ways of case-law interaction between the two disciplines regardin...
Andriantsimbazovina, Joël Gaudin, Hélène
Dans un souci d'harmonisation de la protection des droits fondamentaux dans l'espace juridique européen, la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme prend en compte la primauté du droit de l'Union européenne et la Cour de justice de l'Union européenne adapte la primauté du droit de l'Union européenne au contact de la Convention européenne des droits d...
Frisk Norin, Greta
The European Convention on Human Rights is a living instrument that is to be interpreted in line with present-day conditions. This concept is of particular importance when the European Court is faced with examining the human rights consequences of climate change. As the ECHR does not explicitly cover the climate, such an examination must be done th...
Mcgregor-Lowndes, Myles Hannah, Frances
High Court of Justice, King’s Bench Division, Administrative Court, Linden J, 16 April 2024
A pupil claimed discrimination because of a school’s refusal to provide a prayer room.
Bengtsson, Isabelle
Tvångsvis markåtkomst kan ske till förmån för en privat aktör med vinstintressen under vissa förutsättningar. De senaste decennierna har det blivit allt vanligare att tvångsvis markåtkomst sker till förmån för en privat aktör med vinstintressen. Samtidigt har en utveckling av skyddet för egendom ägt rum, där ägarens intresse av skydd för sin egendo...
Rinta-Pollari, Henna
The emergence of invasive neurotechnology and the potential misuse of such technology have raised concerns about the ethical and legal implications as it essentially involves tampering with the organ that generates the human mind – the brain. Certain scholars have proposed the adoption of novel human rights referred to as 'neurorights' as a possibl...