Ferrand, Nathalie
“Il m’entretint de ses voyages, et le sachant Anglois, je crus qu’il m’alloit parler d’édifices et de peintures…” (I, 45). Dans la Préface de La Nouvelle Héloïse, Rousseau avertit son lecteur. Celui-ci devra s’armer de patience face au style dépaysant de ce recueil de lettres : « ceux qui les écrivent ne sont pas des Français, des beaux-esprits, de...
jha, harsh
Cílem této bakalářské práce je prozkoumat rozdíly v pojetí i implementaci společenské odpovědnosti firem v Evropě a Indii. Zkoumá tyto faktory a to, jak mohou ovlivnit aktivity CSR firem nacházejících se v různých regionech. V Evropě je CSR vytvářena prostřednictvím různých regulačních rámců, zapojení zainteresovaných stran a cílů udržitelnosti. Na...
Tahri, Anaïs van de Vijver, Bart Hansen, Iris Bonis, Anne Defive, Emmanuelle Voldoire, Olivier Allain, Elisabeth Blavignac, Christelle Beauger, Aude
An unknown heteropolar Staurosirella taxon was observed in a survey of Lake Pavin (Massif Central, France) with peculiar marginal spines that could not be identified using the currently available literature. Additional populations of the same taxon were observed in samples from Iceland and Flanders, Belgium. The unknown taxon is described as a new ...
Pizzella, Laure Clausolles, Nicolas Pedersen, Christian Brogaard Calcagno, Philippe Colomer, Montse d'Ambrogi, Chiara Kearsey, Timothy Heerema, Chris Herms, Ignasi Hölzel, Monika
The Geological Service for Europe (GSEU) project is a 5-year EU funded project bringing together 35 geological surveys and 13 additional partners to deliver a cooperative and comprehensive information and communication campaign about the subsurface. The key focusses are critical raw materials, geothermal energy resource and storage and groundwater ...
Urvois, Marc Harrison, Matthew Loiselet, Christelle Tulstrup, Jørgen Freda, Carmela
European-level data is co-created by research communities and National Geological Survey Organisations (NGSOs), and there has been a focus on creating platforms to enable open access. Here we will argue that there is also an opportunity and duty for these groups to contribute to the overall governance surrounding geoscience data and information at ...
Sailleau, Corinne Zientara, Stéphan Bréard, Emmanuel
The emergence of EHDV in Europe during the autumn of 2022 reinforces the need for molecular tools (RT-PCR) for rapid detection of animals infected with this virus. Viral genome testing can be performed on whole blood under anticoagulant, spleen, and bloody organ homogenates from ruminants. It can also be performed on cell culture following viral is...
Marshall, Deborah A.; Gerber, Brittany; Currie, Gillian R.; Anton, Jordi; De Somer, Lien; 52876; Dey, Michelle; Egert, Tsipi; Egert, Yona; Henan, Lia; Klotsche, Jens;
BACKGROUND: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) refers to a heterogeneous group of rheumatic conditions in children. Novel drugs have greatly improved disease outcomes; however, outcomes are impacted by limited awareness of the importance of early diagnosis and adequate treatment, and by differences in access across health systems. As a result, pat...
Laporte, Luc Scarre, Chris Gouézin, Philippe Soler, Ludovic Poncet, Didier Bernard, Yann Barreau, Jean-Baptiste Quesnel, Laurent Cousseau, Florian Morel, Jean-Claude
In Western France, as in Southern France, in Ireland, sometimes in Britain and also, but more rarely, in the Iberian Peninsula, megalithic funerary chambers during the Neolithic period were covered by large burial mounds or cairns with facades several meters high. These were structured internally by dry stone walls, and sometimes also by partitions...
Yang, Pu Fankhauser, Sam Smith, Stephen M Sundvor, Ingrid Hirmer, Stephanie Johnstone, Injy Stemmler, Joseph
Published in
Environmental Research Letters
Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) is the essential ‘net’ in net zero. However, a thriving CDR industry will not come into being without government intervention. As governments start to devise CDR support policies, this paper solicits the views of market participants in two of the most prominent CDR methods: bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BEC...
Tucho, Gudina Terefe Kalina, Marc Tilley, Elizabeth
Published in
Frontiers in Sustainability
For Swiss cities, connecting new migrants to basic services, like waste management, has emerged as an essential challenge toward their social and civic integration. Drawing on an ethnographic approach, this study investigates solid waste management integration within Zürich’s Ethiopian and Eritrean migrant communities. Our findings suggest that new...