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with Eurasien as keyword
Svanér, Louise
The question of horse domestication have long been debated and discussed amongst scholars. There have been serval theories about when and where horse domestication first took place and when horses became our loyal companions that we build a lot of our society around. The Eurasian steppes have long been subject of these discussions. Within recent ye...
Seek, Abd Alkareem
The Arabic primary sources from the early medieval period have long existed in the modern consciousness of the scholarship, however, differing interpretations, mistranslations, and omissions have contributed to the state of already existing confusion permeating the matter of the Rus origin, influence, and interactions in their theatre of action in ...
Réveillard, Christophe Pinot, Anne
L’ouvrage analyse en trois cercles concentriques les déterminants intérieurs de la Russie puis les rapports qu’elle entretient avec son « étranger proche », et enfin sa géopolitique à l’échelle mondiale, notamment en raison de sa dimension bi-continentale. Le déroulement temporel marque les analyses tant les évolutions ont été rapides et les change...
Dahl, Jacob Ibo, Elina
Den här studien har undersökt telekomföretaget TeliaSoneras verksamhet i Uzbekistan. Företagets närvaro i landet har fått stor uppmärksamhet de senaste åren då de blivit anklagade för mutor, penningtvätt och för att ha samarbetat med regimen. Efter flera år med stora ekonomiska framgångar meddelade TeliaSonera hösten 2015 att de planerade att lämna...
Herold, Pascale
This essay seeks, by applying to theories of nationalism, to explain the reasoning behind the Russian annexation of Crimea and to understand the ideology and nationalistic influences in Russian foreign policy in the case of the Ukraine crisis and the annexation of Crimea. The argumental analysis exemplifies the nationalistic tendencies of Vladimir ...