Różyńska, Joanna Zawiła-Niedźwiecki, Jakub Maćkiewicz, Bartosz Czarkowski, Marek
Published in
HEC forum : an interdisciplinary journal on hospitals' ethical and legal issues
The paper reports results of the very first survey-based study on the prevalence, frequency and nature of ethical or other non-medical difficulties faced by Polish physicians in their everyday clinical practice. The study involved 521 physicians of various medical specialties, practicing mainly in inpatient healthcare. The study showed that the maj...
Bonnefon, Jean-François Rahwan, Iyad Shariff, Azim
Published in
Annual Review of Psychology
Moral psychology was shaped around three categories of agents and patients: humans, other animals, and supernatural beings. Rapid progress in artificial intelligence has introduced a fourth category for our moral psychology to deal with: intelligent machines. Machines can perform as moral agents, making decisions that affect the outcomes of human p...
Balasubramaniam, Dharini Hei Li, Pak
Norlund Shaswar, Annika Ljung Egeland, Birgitta Rosén, Jenny Wedin, Åsa
This paper explores the ethical challenges and possibilities of conducting responsible and transformative translanguaging pedagogy in adult education for second language learners with limited previous experience of schooling. We identify and explore ethical dilemmas in teachers’ interaction and multilingual teaching practices. The data was produced...
Bonnefon, Jean-François Rahwan, Iyad Shariff, Azim
Moral psychology was shaped around three categories of agents and patients: humans, other animals, and supernatural beings. Rapid progress in artificial intelligence has introduced a fourth category for our moral psychology to deal with: intelligent machines. Machines can perform as moral agents, making decisions that affect the outcomes of human p...
Vezovnik, Mihaela
Tema diplomskega dela je pogled študentk in študentov Fakultete za socialno delo na etične dileme. V teoretičnem uvodu je opredeljeno, kaj je etika in kaj so etične dileme. V nadaljevanju so opredeljene etične dileme v socialnem delu in etični kodeksi, ki so nam lahko v pomoč pri reševanju dilem. V namen raziskave je bil sestavljen vprašalnik na sp...
Hlaing, Phyu Hnin Hasswan, Ahmed Salmanpour, Vida Shorbagi, Sarra AlMahmoud, Tahra Jirjees, Feras Jassim Kawas, Sausan Al Guraya, Salman Yusuf Sulaiman, Nabil
Published in
BMC Medical Education
Background In healthcare practice, ethical challenges are inevitable and their optimal handling may potentialy improve patient care. Ethical development in medical education is critical for the transition from a medical and health sciences student to an ethical healthcare practitioner. Understanding the health professions students’ approaches towar...
Giordano, Vincenzo Kojima, Kodi Edson Valderrama-Molina, Carlos Oliver Azi, Matheus Lemos Bidolegui, Fernando Pires, Robinson Esteves
Published in
The widespread adoption of smartphones and other mobile devices amongst healthcare providers opened new possibilities arising from the use of non-medical apps, social media, meeting platforms, and non-medical devices with intended medical purposes, thus expanding the communication and imaging chat systems between these professionals and their patie...
Fink, Matthias (author) Maresch, Daniela (author) Gartner, J. (author)
Social robots—such as autonomous vehicles, service robots, or healthcare robots—are designed to support tasks in a broad range of human activities. However, these robots face moral dilemmas because they must make decisions that may do good for one human but potentially inflict harm on another. We argue that Kant's categorical imperative provides a ...
Hourcade Sciou, Annie
La psychiatrie légale apparaît actuellement tout particulièrement représentative des dilemmes moraux susceptibles de naître entre les principes éthiques régissant des professions distinctes, poursuivant des fins distinctes. De manière liée, et tout aussi cruciale, comme si la figure de l’expert psychiatre jouait le rôle, sur ce point également, de ...