Mendonça, Carlos Eduardo Rebello de
RESUMO O artigo homenageia o trabalho de Benzaquen de Araujo & Viveiros de Castro (1977) sobre Romeu e Julieta, peça shakespeareana que trataria da gênese do Estado Moderno superpondo-se e sobrepondo-se aos interesses privados, fundidos numa “sociedade civil” legalmente indiferenciada. Argumentamos que tal gênese da Sociedade Civil em si só não est...
Muñoz, Fernanda
This paper analyzes the convergence of criteria in different models of collective and private property of land in the territories of resguardos in today’s Department of Nariño between 1855 to 1879. This period was characterized by the implementation of liberal policies based on the principles of individual rights, the liberalization of property and...
Domingues, Ângela
[pt] Este artigo centra-se no vasto e complexo processo científico e institucional ligado à recolha de artefactos e à formação de colecções científico-naturais, etnológicas e antropológicas, provenientes de vários espaços coloniais extra-europeus em Portugal durante a segunda metade do século XVIII. Faz ainda referência às instituições que albergar...
Asenjo Travesí, Enrique
The Valdefuentes’ marquises history represents an example of social promotion in Spain in the transition from Middle Ages to Modern Age. In this article we try to explain the process that the Sande family follows to guarantee their lineage position and recognition with a nobility title. Otherwise, there is a transcription of the nobility title conc...
Guerrero Navarrete, Yolanda
Historiography has assessed the 1479 royal pardon as one more episode in the historical commonplace that is the completion of the pacification of the kingdom in 1480 by the Catholic Monarchs. Far from questioning the said pacification, for which I consider there is indisputable evidence, in this essay I intend to delve deeper into the meaning, cons...
Velásquez Arango, Juan José
This article offers a new perspective for analysis of the development and imposition of the early Modern State in Spanish America, and how it affected prevailing forms of warfare. This research is based on the existance of a Military Revolution that allowed the passage from a feudal, Middle- Age type organization of war, into a kind of warfare adju...
Pérez Godoy, Fernando
The following article proposes an understanding of the intellectual components of the political European culture in the context of Atlantic liberal revolutions, and the intellectual source of political legal ideas which circulated Europe and achieved a normative understanding of the modern State in the 19th century. For this, we analyze the legal h...
Robres, Fernando Andrés
La familia Borja consiguió hacerse con el maestrazgo de Montesa en 1545. Fracasó en consecuencia un nuevo intento de incorporación de la orden militar valenciana cuando ya lo habían sido las castellanas. Jugaron la partida personajes ciertamente ilustres: Carlos V, por entonces en los Países Bajos; el príncipe regente Felipe; el pontífice Paulo III...
Hornich, Daner Evangelista, Francisco Miranda, Antonio Carlos
The obstacles and conflicts between the State and religion and current perspectives on the developments of this relationship with the education of the citizen are analyzed. The paper investigates the foundation of the modern State and its influence on the formation of modern and contemporary societies. It also shows the impact of the separation bet...
Miceli, Mario Leonardo
El artículo se propone analizar la perspectiva que aparece sobre el concepto de “Estado” en las obras del pensador piamontés del siglo XVI Giovanni Botero. Se estudiará especialmente su conceptualización sobre la idea de “razón de Estado”, junto a ciertos tratamientos sobre los problemas de la imposición del orden, la relación de la política con ot...