Hosiasson, Laura Janina
Since its first publication in 1938, many of the dimensions of La amortajada have been assiduously studied, from its formal aspects, through its relationship with surrealism and the dissolution of the boundaries between reality and unreality, up to feminist approaches. In this essay we return to an approach that first privileges its execution, in o...
Lucena Romero, Miguel Ángel
This paper studies the sexual fragments contained in the Nuzhat al-abṣār wal-asmā‛ fī aḫbār ḏawāt al-qinā‛ (Gift of sight and hearing, compilation of news about women) by the Egyptian writer al-Ṣiddīq (1652), one of the most complete works of the erotic genre in the Ottoman period. The main aim is to interpret the medical, on the one hand, and the ...
Galvão, Raíssa Varandas
This paper intends to make an analysis of the work The Obscene Madame D, written by Hilda Hilst, from three central axes: death, body and family. Three aspects that at first glance seem unrelated, but in Hilda's text they converge from the protagonist’s metaphysical delusions. To think about these issues, I compare the thoughts and reflections expr...
Cross, Elsa
From the study of a thought that is based is the mystic tradition, this paperaims to expose how literary expressions appear in the work of OctavioPaz, where the spiritual search of the world connects with the searchfor a poetic meaning inherent to it. Thus, the hypothesis that we will seedeveloped here is that the sacred component in Paz’s poetry, ...
Lucena Romero, Miguel Ángel Banat, Mohammed
This article aims to examine the elegiac text dedicated to the virile impotence of the Iraqi poet Abū Ḥukayma, through his Dīwān fī l-Ayriyyāt, one of the most complete works of obscene Arabic literature (muǧūn) in terms of description of the male genital member refers. The main objective of our work is, first of all, to explain the literary genre ...
Luengo López, Jordi
Abstract: Despite not being recognised by the literary critics as an erotic writer, Marcel Prévost frequently invokes the heightening of passionate love and the scenes which depict it. In many of them, the bed was the nexus of that ars amatoria, created or contained, around which Bourgeois ladies sifted their existence within the social circle they...
Nogueira, Paulo Augusto de Souza Catenaci, Giovanni Felipe
This paper proposes an interpretation of the Midsommar movie, directed by Ari Aster, who purportedly recreates archaic Nordic rituals (Hårga), with sacrifices, witchcraft, and sacred copula scenes. Opposing the criticism that sees the movie as belonging to the horror genre, we understand the movie offers an archaizing fiction whose aim is to questi...
Moreau, Camille
Par tradition, l’esthétique résiste à la possibilité d’inclure le plaisir corporel dans son champ d’études, elle se construit même, au moins depuis Kant, par exclusion des sens tactiles et matériels. Comment apprécier la littérature érotique, dont le ressort est tout autre, dans une perspective esthétique ? L’écrit relève davantage de l’appréciatio...
Piqueras Flores, Manuel
This paper analyzes the construction of Marina, a female character of El subtil cordobés Pedro de Urdemalas. Compared to other character associated with the spanish female picaresque (many of them created also by Salas Barbadillo), Marina gets to leave completely his previous social condition (tavern waitress) and she builds a new identity as hones...
Barrientos Tecún, Dante
In the contemporary Central American poetry, the body has constantly occupied a space of first order. We propose in this paper to analyze how the images of body are manifested in the poem. This paper does not focus on the study of a particular author, but discusses some significant moments in the representation of the body through a poetic corpus o...