Silva, Lakmal Unterkalmsteiner, Michael Wnuk, Krzysztof
In this paper, we present challenges associated with monitoring and maintaining a large telecom system at Ericsson that was developed with high degree of component reuse. The system constitutes of multiple services, composed of both legacy and modern systems that are constantly changing and need to be adapted to changing business needs. The paper i...
Chouder, Ryma
Compte tenu du réchauffement climatique et de la pollution causés par l'exploitation des combustibles fossiles, ainsi que de la croissance massive de la population, il est indispensable de trouver des alternatives aux combustibles fossiles afin de protéger notre planète et de conserver les réserves de combustibles pour les générations futures. Les ...
Bjarnason, Elizabeth Åberg, Patrik Ali, Nauman bin
Context: Software selection in large-scale software development continues to be ad hoc and ill-structured. Previous proposals for software component selection tend to be technology-specific and/or do not consider business or ecosystem concerns. Objective: Our main aim is to develop an industrially relevant technology-agnostic method that can suppor...
Wittwång, Arvid Perlind, Amanda
Many organizations have realized the importance of managing what they know in a proper way, with the sharing of knowledge as one of the most central aspects. However, the practices of knowledge sharing are seldom fully understood, and thus implementations of technical systems intended to improve knowledge sharing have less effect than expected. Thi...
Bissessar, Daniel Bois, Alexander
One of the largest challenges in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning isthe acquisition of a large quantity of quality data to train models on.This thesis investigates and evaluates approaches to data generation in a telecom domain for the task of extractive QA. To do this a pipeline was built using a combination ofBERT-like mo...
Joux, Alexandre
Usman, Muhammad Felderer, Michael Unterkalmsteiner, Michael Klotins, Eriks Mendez, Daniel Alégroth, Emil
Regulatory compliance is a well-studied area, including research on how to model, check, analyse, enact, and verify compliance of software. However, while the theoretical body of knowledge is vast, empirical evidence on challenges with regulatory compliance, as faced by industrial practitioners particularly in the Software Engineering domain, is st...
Demáček, Daniel
Táto bakalárska práca sa zaoberá mojou odbornou praxou v spoločnosti ha-vel internet s.r.o. ako stážistu na technickom oddelení firmy. V prvej časti práce predstavím spoločnosť a čím konkrétne sa zaoberá. Nasleduje opis môjho pracovného zaradenia na technickom oddelení. Ďalej uvádzam problémy s ktorými som sa pri práci stretol a ich individuálne ri...
Silvander, Johan Angelin, Lars
Together with Ericsson AB, we are using the design science framework when investigating how to create an intent-driven system for their business support system and its business studio. The aim is to present our initial results on how an extended OODA-loop can be used to realize a robust, but still flexible, software architecture for an intent-drive...
Svensson, Mattias
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur en grupp anställda vid Ericsson i Kista pendlar till arbetet, hur långt avståndet är till arbetet och hur lång tid det skulle ta att cykla. Insamlade data kommer sedan att jämföras med svaren från undersökningen år 1949. Ett sekundärt syfte är att undersöka skillnader i arbetsp...