Laurent, Thibault Thomas-Agnan, Christine Ruiz-Gazen, Anne
Spatial autoregressive models have been adapted to model data with both a geographic and a compositional nature. Interpretation of parameters in such a model is intricate. Indeed, when the model involves a spatial lag of the dependent variable, this interpretation must focus on the so-called impacts rather than on parameters and when moreover the d...
Paikin, Damián Albornoz, Maximiliano
The China's demand for primary products reopened a debate in Latin America on the valuation of this trade relationship. On the one hand, some analysts see it as a great opportunity to place Latin American products. On the other hand, others have remarked the deindustrialization of exports and the growing the commodities in the basket. In this conte...
Hensher, David A Wei, Edward Beck, Matthew J
Published in
Transport policy
There exists a substantial amount of research on the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on significant changes in the location at which work takes place, especially working from home (WFH). There has been, however, very little systematic consideration given to the relationship between the substantial increase in WFH and the responses taken b...
Hensher, David A Balbontin, Camila Beck, Matthew J Wei, Edward
Published in
Transportation research. Part A, Policy and practice
The need to recognise and account for the influence of working from home on commuting activity has never been so real as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only does this change the performance of the transport network, it also means that the way in which transport modellers and planners use models estimated on a typical weekday of travel and e...
Andersson, Jesper Weberyd, Sara
Sjöfartsverkets ställning liknande ett naturligt monopol och dagens politiska läge kräver en farledsavgift utformad på ett sätt som gör att Sjöfartsverket täcker sina kostnader samtidigt som de snedvrider beteendet av sjöfartens aktörer så lite som möjligt. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka elasticiteterna för olika fartygssegment och om Ra...
Forero Cantor, Germán Augusto
[ES] El objetivo 2 para el desarrollo sostenible de la ONU es hambre cero. Concretamente, se trata de poner fin al hambre, lograr la seguridad alimentaria (SA) y la mejora de la nutrición y promover la agricultura sostenible. Hay que destacar que la inseguridad alimentaria no es un problema exclusivo de países en desarrollo, sino que en los países ...
Lundmark, Robert Nolander, Carl Olofsson, Elias
A spatially analyse of the production structure and input choices for the heating, sawmill, and pulp sectors in Sweden is conducted using a panel data set includes quarterly data for period 2011 to 2016 across 21 counties. Focus is on price and input substitution elasticities, scale effects and technical change measures. A single-output regional tr...
Bellver Pedraza, Celia
[ES] El objeto del trabajo es analizar el aumento del consumo per cápita de proteína de origen animal (carne y lácteos) en detrimento del consumo de cereales a medida que aumentan los ingresos per cápita, utilizando para ello la estimación de elasticidades diferenciadas de acuerdo al ingreso de cada región. De esta manera, la expectativa es que las...
Salvucci, Raffaele Tattini, Jacopo Gargiulo, Maurizio Lehtilä, Antti Karlsson, Kenneth Bernard
Several efforts have been directed lately towards the endogenisation of transport modes competition in Energy/Economy/Environment/Engineering (E4) models. TIMES-DKEMS is a novel methodology paving the way for applying elasticities of substitution to incorporate transport modal shift into TIMES (The Integrated MARKAL-EFOM System) models. Substitutio...
Zamora Torres, América Ivonne Mora Zimbron, Diana Areli
El presente trabajo aborda el tema del transporte de carga en el contexto del comercio internacional entre los países miembros del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte; es decir, México, Estados Unidos y Canadá mediante un análisis de elasticidades con las variables: infraestructura, costos, importaciones, exportaciones y volumen de carga...