Saha, Paushali
This study examined the graduate socialization experiences of international married women from South Asia using phenomenology. Prior research has shown that graduate socialization processes like relationships with faculty, opportunities to conduct research, and networking with others in the field are key to success in graduate school and obtaining ...
Barry, Amy
Women are underrepresented in the information technology sector and experience pervasive gender bias in the typically male-dominated organizations. Barry explores how women navigate and shape their leadership identities within such an environment.
Nguyen, Tran Thanh Truc
This phenomenological qualitative study explored the experiences of international women graduate students (IWGSs) in transitioning to public research universities in the Midwest. The study utilized Schlossberg’s transition theory (Anderson et al., 2012) to gain insights into the perceptions of six participants during their college transition proces...
Barry, Amy
This qualitative study is an exploration of how women in higher education information technology (IT) positions navigate constructing their leadership identities. This includes the messy, personal, internal identity work that occurs prior to claiming their leadership identities on the public stage, followed by an examination of what the experience ...
Mince, Rosalie Kloss, Michelle
QUICs (Quality Improvement Cycles) serve as concise and valuable summaries of important work being done at Carroll Community College (located in central Maryland, United States). The steps in the Reflective Improvement Cycle are: Define/Redefine; Design; Implement; Analyze; Modify/Maintain Reflections from one QUIC often lead to follow-up inquiries...
Hernández, Laura López, Gerardo R. Mayer-Glenn, Jennifer Alvarez Gutiérrez, Leticia Kim, Taeyeon Niang, Amadou Partola, Sonny Yanagui, Alma
For the past six years, we—members of the Family-School Collaboration Design Research Project—have been working to understand and transform family-school relationships in Salt Lake City, Utah. Our group includes an evolving cast of scholars, family leaders, professional educators, graduate students, and organizers. We are trying to create spaces wh...
nebraska-lincoln, university
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Fact Book 2024 Also available at Includes charts and a map regarding Enrollment, page 1 Enrollment map, page 2 Degrees, page 3 Student credit hours, page 4 Human resource, page 5 Graduation and rentention, page 6
Lee, Sun Young Son, Minhye Kim, Taeyeon Jung, Jin Kyeong Jang, Soo Bin
How can we take transnationality as a space of in-betweenness to generate new possibilities, moving beyond geographically bounded spans between countries? This article presents five authors’ collective inquiry on transnational positionalities, which we practiced through the relational, transformative, and reflective writing of the self in a communi...
Kim, Taeyeon Wright, James
Abstract Background: Given that K–12 schools necessitate leaders who can advance equity and justice, preparation programs in higher education institutions have prioritized the development of eq-uity-oriented school leaders. However, there has been relatively limited exploration of peda-gogical approaches that equip educational leaders to navigate a...
Zubizarreta, John
Guest Editor’s Introduction • John Zubizarreta Remebering Ada Long A Long Legacy for the Ages (Dedicatory Essay) • Jeffrey A. Portnoy Keep Ada Happy! • Larry Andrews Honors in Practice: Ada Long • Bernice Braid Tribute to Ada Long • James J. Clauss For Ada • Lisa L. Coleman Memories of Ada—With Fondness and Admiration • Kevin W. Dean Reflections on...