Pourque, Helene
L'Éducation au développement durable (EDD) en France s'inscrit dans le cadre de ses engagements au sein des organisations internationales, notamment de l'UNESCO. Il convient d'apprécier comment l'Éducation nationale traduit ou réinterprète ce cadre normatif. Un état des lieux de la place de l'EDD dans le système éducatif français, de sa mise en œuv...
Thurm, Sinziana Frank, Pascal Greve, Steffen Schröder, Stefan
In order to move forward the agenda of sustainable development through Environmental and Sustainability Education (ESE), there is a need for learning activities that go beyond mere knowledge transmission. Characterised by their holistic and experiential nature, sport and physical activity may carry a potential of supporting and fostering the pedago...
Oljans, Emma Usai, Tecklah Chinofunga, Doroth Mickelsson, Martin
Purpose: The paper aims to explore how values and knowledge are expressed in student’s discussions about food and health. Design/methodology/approach: Food practices present a complex phenomenon extending beyond biomedical descriptions, including social dynamics of food in families and communities. Contextual conditions of social groups and setting...
Malmberg Zasada, Sabine Liljegren, Joakim
Lärande för hållbar utveckling (LHU) är ett ramverk som har skapats på global nivå för att främja hållbar utveckling (HU) på både global och lokal nivå. LHU innebär att integrera kunskaper och värderingar inom grundskolan som präglas av HU. För att elever ska kunna agera ansvarsfullt gentemot miljön syftar LHU att ge elever en förståelse för komple...
Ohlsson, Anders Borg, Farhana Gericke, Niklas
Worldwide, preschool is recognized as an important arena for the implementation of education for sustainability (EfS). In Swedish preschools EfS has been a part of the national curriculum since 2019, but little is known about what this means in practice. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to increase our understanding about preschool teachers’...
Ohlsson, Anders
The thesis aims to describe education for sustainable development (ESD) in Swedish preschools and the factors affecting its implementation. The new Swedish preschool curriculum from 2019 mentions teaching explicitly for the first time and highlights the sustainability perspective, hence the importance of this study. This study investigates how ESD ...
Pazoto, Carmen Edith Duarte, Michelle Rezende Silva, Edson Pereira
Published in
Marine pollution bulletin
Promoting the principles, concepts, and dimensions of Ocean Literacy (OL) among children and youth is essential for enhancing society's understanding of the ocean's complexity and the causes and consequences of its degradation. This study details a project conducted over a year with 235 students from a public school in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, aged ...
Chartofylaka, Lamprini Forissier, Thomas Lefort, Charline Obertan, Célia Delcroix, Antoine
This paper highlights elements of an educational experimentation (project Formalink) carried out between2022 and 2023 and focused on the theme of managing water in a sustainable way. It involved primary schoolstudents (aged 8-11 years) based in Guadeloupe and Saint-Barthelemy. Despite being geographically close, thesetwo insular areas have notable ...
Hervé, Nicolas Huez, Julitte
International audience
Bettencourt, Sara Freitas, Diogo Nuno Lucas, Carlos Costa, Sónia Caeiro, Sandra
Published in
Marine pollution bulletin
Marine litter is a global problem. Education has been acclaimed as a potential tool to tackle this issue, yet, integrative, student-centered, and over weeks studies to raise awareness on the theme that compares pre- with post-intervention results are limited in the literature. Furthermore, almost no studies rely on the basis of previous experience ...