Lopes da Silva, Milena Grangeiro Farias, Karen Thayane Venturieri, Bianca
Problem-based learning in science teaching: didactic strategy applied in a school in the city of Tucuruí/PA Em consonância às crescentes mudanças no sistema educacional do Brasil, esta pesquisa vislumbra demonstrar os benefícios e possíveis desafios na implementação do método ativo aprendizagem baseada em problemas (ABP) no ensino de Ciências. Os p...
Prigol, Edna Liz Kampmann, Marilise Edineia dos Anjos Ber... Ortiz, Myriam Esther
Este artigo apresenta uma síntese de uma pesquisa mais ampla que aborda a concepção de uma proposta formativa complexa, transdisciplinar e ecoformadora, desenvolvida por meio de um processo de cocriação, visando estabelecer um diálogo com os construtos das pesquisas no campo da pós-graduação, que se concentram na formação continuada de professores ...
Soares, Francisco Marcos Pereira Brito, Antonia Edna Morais, Joelson de Sousa
Esse artigo consistiu em revisar sistematicamente a produção nacional stricto sensu relacionada ao processo de constituição da identidade profissional docente de alfabetizadores em um levantamento na CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior), através da busca pelas teses de doutorado orientadas por descritores: constituiçã...
Pérez Norambuena, Samuel Correia de Campos, Luiz Felipe Castelli
ABSTRACT: The subject of values has been established as an essential purpose in teacher training since it allows promoting future teaching social responsibility. The objective of the study was to analyze the education in values perceived by the student body of Pedagogy in Physical Education (PEF) and Basic General Pedagogy (PGB) in a public univers...
Simão, José Francisco Rocha Strege Médici, Mônica
Digital technologies linked to basic education and teacher training are the subject of numerous debates demanded by research, theoretical researchers, and education policies. This study, which methodologically analyses the literature review, aims to make a reflective contribution to the use of digital technologies in basic education, highlighting t...
Fistarol, Caique Fernando da Silva Barbosa, Isabela Vieira Dadam, James Heinzle, Marcia Regina Selpa
This paper aims to analyze the structure of the German, Brazilian, and Italian educational systems in Basic Education. The theoretical references used are the official documents of these countries. The methodological procedures are based on Comparative Education, and data analysis is carried out from aspects of hierarchical organization, funding, a...
Retamal Bravo, César Mauricio Arcia Hernández, Pedro Francisco Fuente Alba, Ana Victoria
Rodríguez Fernández, José Eugenio Pereira, Vânia Pereira, Beatriz
The school stage plays a fundamental role in the integral development of the child, where social relationships that are acquired through practice and contact with other people are maturing and will have a direct transfer in their daily lives. With this study we sought to analyze the interaction of the relations between the students and adults (offi...
da Silva Bento, Eullir
The aim of this paper is to refl ect on continuing teacher training and the challenges for teaching practice from the perspective of the use of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICT). In terms of methodological procedures, it follows a qualitative approach, which allows phenomena to be described in greater depth. To this end, bib...
Ghisleni, Ana Cristina Campesato, Maria Alice Gouvêa
This article describes an activity developed in the year 2022, in the discipline of Basic Education Management, in a Professional Master’s course in Educational Management. The activity in question sought to contribute to the formative aspect of managers and/or future managers, considering the singularities and challenges that cross the contemporar...