Santos, Keli Barreto
TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Desportos, Educação Física Licenciatura. / O presente estudo consistiu em uma revisão sistemática e análise bibliométrica, onde investigou a presença de questões de gênero e sexualidade na prática dos professores de Educação Física Escolar (EFE) a partir dos textos publicados entre...
Teixeira Lima, Genoveva Jaqueira, Ana Rosa F. Coêlho de Araújo, Paulo Ribas, Juan Pedro Galo Nunes, Carolina
The life story of a traditional game practitioner highlighted its importance in his personal and professionalformation. This multidisciplinary, qualitative study is based on the life history method, recorded in an interviewthrough a semi-structured script and with results classified through Motor Praxiology. The results show that theinterviewee pra...
Giongo, Gabriela Neuenfeldt, Derli Juliano
This article aimed to investigate the perception of high school students at a school regarding the use of digital technologies in Physical Education classes. This is a qualitative research with an action research approach, conducted with a high school class at a state school. We used an online questionnaire to understand the initial expectations of...
Morcillo Valencia, Romario Javier Falcones Barbosa, Elizabeth del Rocío Abad Arroyo, Andrea López Proaño, Antonio Andrés Murillo Falcones, Jordi Joe
Games as recreational activities constitute an important element in the development of the pedagogical process of Physical Education; tt contributes to collective work, formation of values such as: courage, perseverance, discipline, honesty, camaraderie, organization, respect for the rules, among others, which makes it contain great biological psyc...
Guedes, Dartagnan Pinto Yamaji, Bruna Hatsue Santos
The Revised Perceived Locus of Causality in Physical Education Scale (PLOC-R) is a scale proposed in light of Self-Determination Theory for analyzing students' motivational regulations for basic education physical education classes. Objective: to translate and adapt cross-culturally, make available format online, identify and compare psychometric p...
Vásquez Guachisaca, Jorge Luis Rojas Valdés, Germán Rafael
Recreational games encourage psychosocial, motor and cognitive development and promote equal opportunities and active participation of students. When used in Physical Education, they intervene in comprehensive education and training, as they facilitate the development of skills and capacities in students, promote inclusion, respond to diversity and...
Chuquimarca Males, Edgar Gustavo Gualacata Cachimuel, Néstor Fernando Serrano Aguilar, Jorge Luis López Orozco, Lena Cleotilde Palacios Zumba, Efrén Mesías
The union of theory and practice is crucial for equitable teaching, and flexible and effective strategies are required to ensure inclusion. The objective of this article was to propose strategies for the participation of students with disabilities in Physical Education classes. Twenty-two works focused on inclusion strategies for Physical Education...
Duverger Calderín, Deyanira Duany Timosthe, Miriam Guerra Mercado, Gloria
The continuous improvement of Physical Education teachers constitutes a need that has transcended different generations of teachers, determined by the growing development of science and technology, the demands of the third Cuban educational improvement, the demands in the preparation and training of teachers and the need for its impact on the train...
Carvalho, Leyla Regis de Meneses Sousa Rocha, Bárbara Luana Mendes Silva, Dayanne Rose Brito da
Introdução: Imagem corporal é a forma como o corpo se apresenta para o sujeito, isto é, uma interpretação mental, seguida por uma autoavaliação da imagem física experimentada. Objetivo: Diagnosticar o nível de discrepância e a insatisfação da imagem corporal em acadêmicas do curso de Educação Física do bacharelado e licenciatura. Materiais e Método...
Inguanzo Marrero, Miguel Ángel Otero Brande, Janet
Attention to the self-exercise skill of physical exercise constitutes a point of reference for the fulfillment of the strategic objectives set by Cuban universities, particularly in the Physical Education discipline of Study Plan E, as a content of the curriculum that favors the student's protagonism in his/her own learning process, constitutes a n...