Leroy, Mathieu Pey, Benjamin Jassey, Vincent Liné, Clarisse Elger, Arnaud Probst, Anne Flahaut, Emmanuel Silvestre, Jérôme Larue, Camille
Agricultural soils are exposed to multiple contaminants through the use of agrochemicals or sewage sludge, introducing metals, nanomaterials and others. Among nanomaterials, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are known for their large surface area and adsorption capabilities, possibly modifying other element behavior. However, to date, very little is known ab...
Fiard, Maud Cuny, Philippe Sylvi, Léa Hubas, Cédric Jézéquel, Ronan Lamy, Dominique Walcker, Romain Houssainy, Amonda El Heimbürger-Boavida, Lars-Eric Robinet, Tony
The microbial communities inhabiting the Atlantic-East Pacific (AEP) mangroves have been poorly studied, and mostly comprise chronically polluted mangroves. In this study,we characterized changes in the structure and diversity of microbial communities of mangroves along the urban-to-rural gradient of the Cayenne estuary (French Guiana, South Americ...
Ulloa-Cedamanos, Francesco Probst, Anne Moussa, Issam Probst, Jean-Luc
The chemical weathering (CW) of rocks at the Earth's surface plays a key role in the global carbon cycle along multiple pathways. Although karst systems are hotspot carbonated areas, they are not always monolithological. It is therefore challenging to estimate the CW of these complex areas. The interannual, seasonal, and spatial variations of CW ra...
Lechuga-Crespo, Juan-Luis Simeoni-Sauvage, Sabine Ruiz-Romera, Estilita van Vliet, Michelle T. H. Probst, Jean-Luc Fabre, Clément Sanchez-Pérez, José Miguel
This study simulates carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration in 300 major world river basins (about 70% of global surface area) through carbonates dissolution and silicate hydrolysis. For each river basin, the daily timescale impacts under the RCP 2.6 and RCP 8.5 climate scenarios were assessed relative to a historical baseline (1969–1999) using a casca...
El Mrissani, Sara Haida, Souad Probst, Jean-Luc Probst, Anne
River water quality is particularly of concern in semi-arid countries with limited water resources. Increasing anthropogenic activities can lead to the accumulation of trace metals (TM) in bottom sediments, which is a specific storage compartment. The present study aimed to investigate the geochemistry of trace metals (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Z...
Kwon, TaeOh Shibata, Hideaki Kepfer-Rojas, Sebastian Schmidt, Inger K. Larsen, Klaus S. Beier, Claus Berg, Bjorn Verheyen, Kris Lamarque, Jean-François Hagedorn, Frank
Litter decomposition is a key process for carbon and nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems and is mainly controlled by environmental conditions, substrate quantity and quality as well as microbial community abundance and composition. In particular, the effects of climate and atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition on litter decomposition and its t...
Imfeld, Gwenaël Payraudeau, Sylvain Tournebize, Julien Simeoni-Sauvage, Sabine Macary, Francis Chaumont, Cédric Probst, Anne Sanchez-Pérez, José Miguel Bahi, Aya Chaumet, Betty
Ponds in agricultural areas are ubiquitous water retention systems acting as reactive biogeochemical hotspots controlling pesticide dissipation and transfer at the catchment scale. Several issues need to be addressed in order to understand, follow-up and predict the role of ponds in limiting pesticide transfer at the catchment scale. In this review...
Evon, Philippe Labonne, Laurent Padoan, Elio Vaca-Garcia, Carlos Montoneri, Enzo Boero, Valter Negre, Michéle
Controlled-release fertilizers (CRF) are needed under current agriculture practice to decrease the environmental impact caused by fertilizer doses applied in excess of plants’ uptake rate. Commercial CRF are available. They are manufactured from mineral fertilizers encapsulated into a synthetic polymer matrix or coated by a polymer layer. However, ...
Amalia Kartika, Ika Cerny, Muriel Vandenbossche Maréchal, Virginie Evon, Philippe Trisunaryanti, Wega Rakhmata Mukti, Rino Hartati, - Dewi Yuliana, Nancy Sailah, Illah
This research optimised the application of a hexane-methanol mixture as a binary solvent for the concurrent oil-resin extraction and separation from Calophyllum seeds on a pilot scale, in a direct stage. The optimum oil and resin yields were determined by optimising the extraction conditions using response surface methodology and a second order pol...
Fabre, Clément Simeoni-Sauvage, Sabine Probst, Jean-Luc Sanchez-Pérez, José Miguel
The export of riverine dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to the oceans is determinant in carbon exchanges of the estuaries and oceanic food webs. Past research returned a global DOC export around 160–450 TgC.yr−1 by using complex process-based models or yearly average estimates that could have been misjudged. In this study, we try to understand the co...