The project had two main fields of emphasis: 1. Description of a low-particle combustion process without exhaust recirculation. 2. Reduction of NOx emissions by exhaust recirculation. A one-cylinder aggregate was used for both functions, and the following influencing parameters were investigated: Compression ration, combustion chamber geometry, hyd...
Exhaust cooling and recirculation is necessary at the present state of the art for keeping pollutant levels in exhaust below the current and future limiting values. The extreme operating conditions (temperature, pressure, aggressive media, etc.) necessitage new technologies for design and construction of such coolers. Corrosion resistance, minimisa...
Helbig, S.Breuel, G.und, materialforschungs-PaX GmbH, Ingelheim am Rhein (Germany)
Die Sicherstellung eines Mindestluftwechsels von Gebaeuden ist in der Praxis nach wie vor ein unzureichend geloestes Problem. Mit Abluftanlagen kann kostenguenstig und vom Nutzer unabhaengig ein zum Zweck der Gesundheit und Bauschadensfreiheit erforderlicher Mindestluftwechsel erreicht werden. Die Zuluftversorgung hat dabei geplant ueber Zuluftelem...
The virtual engine and the virtual car were the issues discussed at the 5th Motor Car Engineering Conference on May 17/18, 2001 at Wiesbaden, Germany. Although a definition of 'virtual' in this respect is still lacking, the authors define computer simulaton of a complete engine or car as the ultimate goal. The product generation process, during whi...