European social policy and Europe's party-political center of gravity, 1957-2003
'Wie wirkt die Sozialpolitik der Europaeischen Union? Was sind ihre tatsaechlichen Folgen in den Mitgliedstaaten, und zwar auf der materiellen Ebene der Qualitaet neuer Schutzbestimmungen oder Rechte wie auf der prozeduralen Ebene der angewandten Verfahren bei der Einfuehrung oder Gewaehrleistung dieser Standards? Diese Fragen nicht nur anhand von ...
'The welfare states in Europe are confronted with a twofold challenge. Both internal changes such as the ageing of our societies and external developments such as globalisation and European economic integration are threatening the viability of many welfare state policies. What can the European Union do to support domestic welfare states in coping w...
'Border regions are likely to play a critical role within the spatial dynamics initiated by the enlargement of the EU. This paper deals with the effects of integration on labour markets in border regions. Within the framework of different theoretical approaches, the effects of integration on labour markets in border regions are analysed. Furthermor...
'Regardless of whether or not the Kyoto Protocol enters into force, the EU may decide to set itself a long-term greenhouse gas emission target and thus to continue its leadership role in international climate policy. As for the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, the EU may decide on a burden-sharing agreement as an integral part of such...