We studied how individuals’ ethnolinguistic affiliation relates to the ethnolinguistic structure of kinship in contemporary Finland, a society in which Finnish-speaking and Swedish-speaking ethnolinguistic groups have coexisted for centuries and mixed marital unions are common. Using multigenerational data from the population register, we determine...
Using Finnish register data, this study assesses the role of cultural proximity in international migration. Finland has an ethnic minority of Swedish speakers, allowing us to proxy for different strengths of attachment to Finland across the population. We exploit information on individual and parental ethno-linguistic affiliation to identify Swedis...
Background Immigrants and ethnic/racialized minorities have been identified as being at higher risk of coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) infection, but few studies report on their exposures and prevention behaviours. This study aims to examine the social distribution of COVID-19 exposure (overcrowding, working outside the home, use of public transp...
Dans l’océan Indien, l’archipel des Comores est devenu indépendant en 1975 et l'île de Mayotte est maintenue dans l'ensemble national français en 1979 avant d’acquérir le statut de département français en 2011. Alors que les circulations entre les quatre îles ont été très importantes dans l’histoire de cet Archipel, ces changements statutaires ont ...
COVID-19 mortality increases markedly with age and is also substantially higher among Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) populations in the United States. These two facts can have conflicting implications because BIPOC populations are younger than white populations. In analyses of California and Minnesota—demographically divergent state...
Depuis l’assassinat du couturier chinois Chaolin Zhang en 2016 à Aubervilliers, les médias et les pouvoirs publics ont pris conscience de l’existence d’un racisme anti-Asiatiques au sein de la société française. L’expression de ces préjugés culmine en 2020 lorsque la pandémie de Covid-19 frappe le monde. La révélation décomplexée des sentiments ant...