Haddari, Allaeddine Zeghdoudi, Halim Vinoth, Raman
Published in
International Journal of Computer Science in Sport
This paper presents the bivariate Poisson-new XLindley distribution (BPNXLD), which may be used to represent dependent and over-dispersed countdata. Among the characteristics considered are the correlation coefficient, mean, and variance of the distribution. Acomparison with several Bivariate distributions is included. The goodness of fit of this n...
Juillard, Jérôme Jouni, Zalfa Bourgois, Laurent Libessart, Erwan Morlans, Margot Guerard, Jean Lévy, Raphaël Brenes, Alexis Lefeuvre, Elie
In this paper, we introduce a new approach to the estimation of the parameters of high quality factor, low natural frequency resonators. Our approach is based on transient measurements of the slowly-varying amplitude and phase response of a resonator to an arbitrary nearly-periodic drive stimulus. We show how this approach may be employed for estim...
El Masri, Maxime
In many scientific fields, an important goal consists in estimating expectations of a function of interest according to a given probability distribution. The function can be considered as a computationally demanding black box function. Importance Sampling (IS) is a well-known method to estimate such integrals with a small simulation budget. It is a...
Barrazza, J.J. Molle, François
Zhang, Qinghua
Dynamic system fault diagnosis is often faced with a large number of possible faults. The purpose of this paper is to propose an efficient method for such situations. To avoid intractable combinatorial problems, sparse estimation techniques appear to be a powerful tool for isolating faults, under the assumption that only a small number of possible ...
Bacaër, Nicolas Flora, Bruno Felice Filippo Castin, Yvan Iannelli, Mimmo Affili, Elisa Buonomo, Bruno Margheri, Alessandro Poletto, Chiara Rossi, Luca Venturino, Ezio
Come ha sottolineato Eugene Wigner, la matematica si è dimostrata efficace, oltre ogni ragionevole aspettativa, nelle scienze fisiche e nelle loro applicazioni tecnologiche. Il ruolo della matematica nelle scienze biologiche, mediche e sociali è stato molto più modesto ma è recentemente cresciuto grazie alla capacità di simulazione offerta dai mode...
Bacaër, Nicolas Bravo de La Parra, Rafael Ripoll, Jordi
Como subrayó Eugene Wigner, las matemáticas han demostrado una eficacia inconmensurable en las ciencias físicas y sus aplicaciones tecnológicas. El papel de las matemáticas en las ciencias biológicas, médicas y sociales ha sido mucho más modesto, pero ha crecido recientemente gracias a la capacidad de simulación que ofrecen los ordenadores modernos...
The acoustic impact of French wind farms is currently estimated by measuring their sound emergence. These measures require the implementation of on/off cycles of the wind farms in order to determine the ambient noise (wind turbines in operation) and the residual noise (stopped wind turbines). These procedures result in very significant losses of el...
Alarcon, Albert Ecotière, David Gauvreau, Benoit LEFEVRE, Hubert
The estimation of the ?long-term? (typically representative of one year period) noise level descriptor LeqLT is a major challenge/issue for the characterization of an environmental acoustic situation, whether it concerns road, rail, industrial or other outdoor noise situations. In this work we study the possibility of estimating the above-mentioned...
AN, Ni CUI, Yu Jun CONIL, Nathalie TALANDIER, Jean CONIL, Sebastien
The long-term safety of shallow disposal facility for short-lived low and intermediate level nuclear waste (LLW/ILW) relies on the performance of engineered barriers (caps and liners). Soil-atmosphere interaction may affect the capping material at shallow depths, due to changes of its coupled hydro-thermal-mechanical behavior under the effect of at...