De Puysseleyr, L De Puysseleyr, K Braeckman, L Morré, S A Cox, E Vanrompay, D
Published in
Transboundary and emerging diseases
Chlamydia suis infections are endemic in domestic pigs in Europe and can lead to conjunctivitis, pneumonia, enteritis and reproductive failure. Currently, the knowledge on the zoonotic potential of C. suis is limited. Moreover, the last decades, porcine tetracycline resistant C. suis strains have been isolated, which interfere with treatment of chl...
De Boeck, Cindy Kalmar, Isabelle Dumont, Annelien Vanrompay, Daisy
Published in
Journal of medical microbiology
Chlamydia psittaci is prevalent in broiler chicken production. However, the role of C. psittaci in the respiratory disease complex needs to be clarified. Our aim was to identify the time point when a C. psittaci infection appeared on a broiler farm and to examine the presence of other respiratory pathogens at that time. We focused on the 'major' re...
Lagae, Stefanie Kalmar, Isabelle Laroucau, Karine Vorimore, Fabien Vanrompay, Daisy
Published in
Journal of medical microbiology
Chlamydia psittaci and atypical Chlamydiaceae infections are (re)-emerging in chickens. We therefore examined the prevalence of C. psittaci, atypical Chlamydiaceae and their zoonotic transmission on 19 Belgian chicken farms. Atypical Chlamydiaceae were not detected in chickens but 18 out of 19 farms were positive for C. psittaci by culture and PCR....
Schramm, K.W. GSF - Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und ...
Die Diskussionsgruppe ''Analytik im Umweltschutz'' (DAU) ist als Untereinheit der Fachgruppe Analytische Chemie der GDCh angegliedert und stellt einen Zusammenschluss von Fachleuten dar, die ueber langjaehrige Erfahrungen in der Analytik und Bewertung von Umweltbelastungen verfuegen. Das Gremium umfasst Wissenschaftler verschiedener Bereiche der Um...
Schramm, K.W. GSF - Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und ...
Birk, G. Hadamovsky, S. Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma KG, Biberach...
Label free methods that do not require fluorescence markers or radioactive isotopes are of interest for high throughput screening applications. Thus, a new assay type for the RIfS technology was developed. These phosphorylation assay experiments were tested for reproducibility and were validated, initially using a single channel machine. The use of...
Birk, G. Hadamovsky, S. Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma KG, Biberach...
Trevisani, Lucio Sartori, Sergio Ruina, Marco Caselli, Michele Rossi, Maria Rita Costa, Francesco Bellini, Massimo Iaquinto, Gaetano Gardullo, Nicola Todisco, Anna
Published in
Digestive Diseases and Sciences
Noninvasive tests for Helicobacter pylori areincreasingly used. Recently, an enzyme immunoassay forH. pylori detection in feces has been put on the market.Aim of this multicenter study was to evaluate the usefulness of this novel test as apredictor of H. pylori status in the pretreatmentsetting. Three hundred consecutive patients wereenrolled. None...
Courtheyn, Dirk Vercammen, Jan De Brabander, Hubert Vandenreyt, Ingrid Batjoens, Peter Vanoosthuyze, Kristina Van Peteghem, Carlos
For several years, the misuse of dexamethasone and its esters in livestock production has been clearly demonstrated. The first part of the present study deals with the elaboration of a sensitive and specific method for the determination of residues of dexamethasone in excreta at the ppb level. Sample preparation for urine and faeces, including high...
Barz, W. Ikemeyer, D. Buettner, P. Kamp, T. Hoehl, H.U Mackenbrock, U. univ., muenster