Energy-efficient multi-train operations in railway networks considering traffic perturbations
RailBeijing 2021, 9th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis (ICROMA), Pékin, CHINE, 03-/11/2021 - 07/11/2021
RailBeijing 2021, 9th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis (ICROMA), Pékin, CHINE, 03-/11/2021 - 07/11/2021
EWGT 2021, 24th Euro Working Group on Transportation Meeting, Aveiro, PORTUGAL, 08-/09/2021 - 10/09/2021
GECCO 2021, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, Lille , FRANCE, 10-/07/2021 - 14/07/2021
Published in European Transport Research Review
In a context of decreasing resources and of climate change, lowering road vehicles consumption is a key point to meet CO2 reduction requirements. In addition to car technological advances, eco-driving is part of the solution but the road infrastructure should ensure its development. This work aims to demonstrate that road energy demand and associat...
The link between road infrastructure and use energy has not been,studied in depth , particularly as the legitimate societal expectations for transportation are primarily related to efficiency and safety. The environmental emergency implies to explore new trends as minor optimization of the road to reduce the energy use. This thesis aims to develop ...
A subject of research-a fibrous layer in the refiners at refining. By means of the tension compression chart it is shown that parameters of a fibrous layer are adequately described by Maxwell-Thompson's model for liquid friction and the Hooke model for boundary friction of a plate. Deborah's number of a fibrous layer is also investigated. Deborah's...
Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) are recognized to be the solution to address the communication bottleneck in many-core systems. As the NoC represents a significant part of the system power consumption, NoC energy consumption optimization is a challenging task. In this paper, we propose a shieldingtechnique enhanced for NoCs and we evaluate its efficiency b...
7th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis - Rail Lille, Lille, France, 04-/04/2017 - 07/04/2017