Vermeiden von Gefaehrdung durch Blitzschlag beim Arbeiten an Rohrfernleitungsanlagen
ITER is designed as an experimental tokamak fusion reactor in which the conditions for controlled fusion reactions will be created and maintained. The confinement and control of the reacting plasma is performed by superconducting magnets. Insulation faults are regarded from the ITER International Team as the most probable cause of fusion magnet fai...
The report deals with risks for persons, who are working at pipelines during local or more distant thunderstorms. It also describes measures to ensure safe working at pipelines. 1. Working at pipelines must be stopped, when a thunderstorm is approaching. 2. Generally, the range in which a thunderstorm can be detected amounts to a distance of 15 to ...
Within the scope of the joint research project at a model discharge thermo graphic investigations were carried out. The aim was to determent the influence of failures and bumpiness of the electrodes on their thermal charge. In our investigations no appreciable effect was observed. In a field trail a reactor with a flow rate of 350 m"3/h was operate...
Heat transport in tokamaks is several orders of magnitude higher than predicted by the collisional theory. A physical understanding of the phenomena limiting energy confinement is a basic requirement in order to make reliable predictions about the fusion gain of the future tokamak reactor ITER and to investigate new scenarios and plasma regimes. Si...
United Kingdom
We have investigated noble gas positive-column plasmas utilising an array of four optical diagnostics (CW laser collisionally-induced fluorescence (LCIF), CW optogalvanic effect (OGE), optical emission and absorption spectroscopy (OES and OAS)), each employing a collisional-radiative rate-equation modelling scheme. Initially, this involved further ...