Gonzalez, Gérard Curtit, Françoise
La question de l'abattage rituel connaît son troisième opus devant la Cour de Strasbourg. Après les deux réponses apportées aux questions préjudicielles devant la Cour de Luxembourg qui mettaient les juges nationaux en mesure de trancher le litige qui leur était soumis en accord avec l'interprétation du droit européen, c'est vers la Cour européenne...
Abdurrahmani, Bledar
Published in
European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
With the fall of the communist dictatorship, Albania, like all countries of South Eastern Europe, started a new path towards democracy and market economy. During Albania’s transition period, the goal was to reform the ownership system and establish private property rights through a legal process. This objective was based on the principles and value...
Zarandia, Tamar Mchedlidze, Nana
Published in
TalTech Journal of European Studies
Disputes on property rights date back to the ancient times. Having undergone extensive development, the right to property can be protected through a vindication claim and actio negatoria which are the most common of the private legal means of protecting property rights within the domestic judicial proceedings in Georgia. Within the Council of Europ...
Lambert, Elisabeth
En combinant une recherche traditionnelle en droit avec des entretiens qualitatifs, cet article interroge comment les autorités locales et régionales sont associées à l’exécution des arrêts de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme, en prenant pour cas d’étude le contentieux environnemental. Comment l’implication institutionnelle est-elle réalisé...
Drechsler, Laura Carola; 157945;
Guest lecture within a course on human rights frameworks / Invited lecture, invited by: Amy Weatherburn (ULB) / status: published
Gruda, Përparim Borovci, Mentor
Published in
Law and Development Review
This article examines the status and importance of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) Jurisprudence in the national legal system of the Republic of Kosovo. This will be accomplished by pursuing two main paths: first, by a doctrinal analysis of the constitutional status of the ECHR and the Juris...
Frisk Norin, Greta
The European Convention on Human Rights is a living instrument that is to be interpreted in line with present-day conditions. This concept is of particular importance when the European Court is faced with examining the human rights consequences of climate change. As the ECHR does not explicitly cover the climate, such an examination must be done th...
Cannoot, Pieter
Lavrysen, Luc
Torre-Schaub, Marta
International audience