Brettschneider, Peter
Published in
Im letzten Jahrzehnt ist die Zahl der Fernleihen und Dokumentenlieferungen dramatisch zurückgegangen. Ein zentraler Faktor dafür ist das Anwachsen der digitalen Bestände, im Hinblick auf die Lieferbegehren regelmäßig abgelehnt werden. Der Beitrag untersucht die Rechtslage beim Kopienversand aus digitalen Medien und argumentiert, dass eine Lieferung...
Kumar, Vimal
Comprehensive library automation is a prerequisite for resource sharing initiatives like Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery services in a cooperative environment. Shared library management system and a union catalogue enhance visibility to information resources available at networked libraries. Availability of IT infrastructure, skilled person...
Schöpfel, Joachim Gillet, Jacqueline
This paper aims to review recent developments and projects of academic interlibrary loan and document supply in France – particularly the Science, Technology and Medicine sector. Design/methodology/approach – The paper is based on a literature survey, conferences and interviews. Findings – Recent laws and court decisions in France tend to strengthe...
Batchelor, Michelle Frederiksen, Linda
Presented at the Access Services Conference 2010, November 10 - 12, 2010, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Tech Global Learning Center, Atlanta, Georgia. / Long a core activity in academic access services units, library reserves are currently undergoing a major paradigm shift in philosophy, function and task. Moving from place-bound print a...
Bador, Pascal Boukacem-Zeghmouri, Chérifa Lafouge, Thierry Prost, Hélène Schöpfel, Joachim
Abstract Purpose - The article aims to investigate the correlation between citations and the document supply of print serials. Design/methodology/approach - The study is based on data from INIST-CNRS for document supply requests and from ISI for citations from 89 serials with JCR impact factors in pharmacology. Data were collected from 1992 to 2004...
Middleton, Michael R.
Technological support for university education is now such that online support for education is diminishing the distinction between on-campus and distance education students. Library services to remote students have for some time focused on document delivery, information literacy and reference service. This investigation comprises an overview of re...
Schöpfel, Joachim
The author describes the present document delivery situation in France with particular reference to copyright and the EU Directive, consortia, portals, funding and some suggestions for the future.
VanBuskirk, Mary Krym, Naomi
NRC publication: Yes
Cleave, Geoffrey E. (University of Warwi... GreyNet, Grey Literature Network Service...
Cleave, Geoffrey E. (University of Warwi... GreyNet, Grey Literature Network Service...
The Working Papers Project at the University of Warwick has been in continous development for over 25 years. The Project was started with one clear aim, that of providing awareness of and access to working papers in economics and management, a form of 'grey literature' which has always been of outstanding importance for researchers in this one part...