Lyyra, Pessi Anttonen, Sanna Waselius, Tomi
Published in
European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning
A major challenge for distance learning in higher education is supporting course completion. Counteracting completion risk factors requires investigating their significance across (non)completion stages. We tested the predictability of known risk factors at each completion stage. Not initiating was explained by available time, low motivation and co...
Teerawongpairoj, Chayanid Tantipoj, Chanita Sipiyaruk, Kawin
Published in
Scientific reports
To evaluate user perceptions and educational impact of gamified online role-play in teledentistry as well as to construct a conceptual framework highlighting how to design this interactive learning strategy, this research employed an explanatory sequential mixed-methods design. Participants were requested to complete self-perceived assessments towa...
AZAOUI, Safae BOUMAHDI, Abdelaziz
A l’ère du numérique, l’enseignement universitaire se voit en perpétuelle évolution grâce à la digitalisation et àl’innovation des pratiques et des modes d’enseignement au service de la noble cause de construire descompétences spécifiques et transversales chez les étudiants. Toutefois, ces dernières ne sont pas souvent cibléespar les apprentissages...
Alfaro Gurrola, Sylvia Villegas Barakat, Mayra Cabrera Rojas, Natalia Durán Segura, Anaryeri Trabado Sagot, Carlos Luis
During the COVID-19 pandemic, higher education worldwide was forced to restructure itself according to guidelines established by the World Health Organization (WHO) to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on the population. Costa Rica was no exception. In the absence of a contingency plan, the University of Medical Sciences (UCIMED) underwent a tra...
Chiodaroli, Marco Freyhult, Lisa Solders, Andreas Tarrío, Diego Günter, Katerina
During the COVID-19 pandemic, distance learning became the predominant teaching method at most universities, exposing students and teachers alike to novel and unexpected challenges and learning opportunities. Our study is situated in the context of higher physics education at a large Swedish university and adopts a mixed-methods approach to explore...
Jonsson, Linus Hertting, Krister Lindgren, Eva-Carin Johnson, Urban
This study aimed to explore how teachers at certified sports-oriented upper secondary schools (CSUSS) in Sweden experienced how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted their everyday practice and well-being. Individual in-depth interviews were conducted with 13 teachers (mean age: 44 years) from three CSUSS in southern Sweden. The interviews were analysed u...
Weibel, Mette Bergdahl, Nina Kristensson Hallström, Inger Skoubo, Sofie Brogaard Bertel, Lykke Schmiegelow, Kjeld Bækgaard Larsen, Hanne
Children with cancer experience recurring hospitalizations and isolation during treatment, which affect their school attendance. This study explores experiences of children with cancer, their classmates, and teachers with using the telepresence robot as a learning mediator in the hybrid classroom during treatment periods. 31 children with cancer (a...
Pentucci, Maila Laici, Chiara
Published in
Research on Education and Media
Screen-mediated teaching at the university level has necessitated a redesign of learning environments across various dimensions, encompassing epistemological, relational, and pragmatic aspects. How can the Digital Learning Ecosystem nurture these dimensions? Does the ecosystem initiate a feedback loop between the teacher and the student, configured...
Albahri, Abdulaziz H Alnaqbi, Shatha A Alnaqbi, Shahad A Shorbagi, Sarra
Published in
BMC medical education
Telemedicine is becoming an integral part of healthcare. Training medical students in telemedicine is encouraged by many medical organizations. However, in the United Arab Emirates in particular, most medical schools have not incorporated it into their curriculum. Therefore, this study aims to assess medical students' perceptions and interest in te...
Zigani, Housougna Rabiyatou
This thesis proposes an innovative approach to improving English language proficiency among students in the University Joseph KI-Zerbo (UJKZ) English department in Burkina Faso, focusing on teaching listening comprehension (LC). Based on a data collection methodology over two years at the UJKZ, we aim to explore the potential benefits of introducin...