Toan, Vu
Ho Chi Minh's thought on diplomatic relations between Vietnam and other countries is the red thread guiding the foreign affairs activities of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the State of Vietnam in the process of revolutionary struggle and renovation. As a result, Vietnam has achieved significant socio-economic development. During the renovation...
Tamayo Belda, Eduardo Soto Vera, Anahí Fuentes Armadans, Claudio José Alfonso Monges, Mirtha Peris Castiglioni, Carlos Aníbal
Editorial of the monographic dossier entitled "About mirrors and windows: Paraguay as an object of historical, social, cultural and political study from an international perspective", presentation of the dossier on Paraguay international history published in the Revista Historia Autónoma journal, nº 25 (September 2024). / Editorial del monográfico ...
Toan, Vu
O pensamento filosófico de Ho Chi Minh sobre a diplomacia entre o Vietnã e outros países constitui o fio condutor que guia as atividades de relações exteriores do Partido Comunista do Vietnã e do Estado do Vietnã na sua política interna de renovação. Pode se constatar, como resultado, que o Vietnã tem alcançado um significativo nível de desenvolvim...
Riom, Charlotte
This text provides an overview of the dual issue of artistic creation as both an object and agent in International Relations in the era of globalization. Initially, the authors examine the shifts in international artistic centers and recent realignments, then they introduce the symbolic dimension of art and its role in cultural diplomacy. This them...
Villarroel González, Óscar
This study analyzes how, between 1420 and 1436, a cycle of conflict took place between the kingdoms of Castile, Aragon and Navarre, in which diplomacy and war alternated. We seek to analyze not only how diplomacy evolved but also the ways in which it was used by the royal powers throughout the different phases of the conflict. / A lo largo del pres...
Vigil Montes, Néstor
Diplomatic treaties were the main instruments available to late medieval diplomacy to shape the rules of the political game in periods of peace between two sovereigns. We intend to elucidate to what extent these treaties in the Iberian context had sufficient force to be relevant in the political game, and wether we can speak of the existence of a l...
Sáez, Adrián J.
This paper examines the relationship between Lope de Vega and Vera y Zúñiga in four points: after a review of their friendship in a chain of texts and paratexts, the examination focuses on the three theatrical dedications to Vera y Zúñiga (Los esclavos libres and La Felisarda, plus La ventura sin buscalla to his wife), to carry on to examine the di...
García González, Gloria
The study of the BBC broadcasts in different languages during the Second World War reveals the extraordinary confidence that the British government placed in the radio, convinced of its potential influence on civil society, as it had done since 1934 with the launching of the British Council, in an interesting advance of what from the 90s Joseph N...
Ilivitzky, Matías Esteban
Objective/context: This paper aims to explore the links that some recent Argentine presidencies (Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, Mauricio Macri and Alberto Fernández) maintained with the Russian Federation.Methodology: It will initially dwell into the longstanding tradition of pacifism which characterizes Argentine foreign policy, and then proceed ...
Lazzarini, Isabella
This article examines the methods of political and military conflict resolution in late medieval Italy. The recent renewal of studies of the history of political power and diplomacy in the peninsula between the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age has in fact led to a more accurate consideration of the cohabitation of phases of conflict and phases ...