Molano García, Diego José Acero Ordóñez, Oscar Leonardo
This paper presents the design, implementation and validation of a didactic proposal using educational robotics seen as interdisciplinary, in order to strengthen the learning processes that are worked from the area of technology and informatics in the secondary education of the public schools of the city of Bogotá. To achieve the objectives propose...
Vidal, Carlos Andrés
This article addresses the relevance of cultivating critical and metacognitive thinking skills in the context of contemporary education. We reflect on the implementation of thinking routines, as an innovative strategy to develop reflective thinking. Furthermore, the influence of the hidden curriculum on the formation of attitudes and values in stud...
Salazar Ríos, William
La educación, en su esencia, es un proceso dinámico y en constante evolución que debe adaptarse a los cambios y desafíos socioculturales contemporáneos.En un mundo que no cesa de transformarse, los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje no pueden quedarse estáticos; deben integrar nuevas metodologías y enfoques que respondan a las necesidades actuales...
Muelas Hurtado, Martha Isabel
This article gathers some of the teaching experiences in an art and literature course in a private university in Colombia, with the aim of proposing didactic strategies with the literary text in the FLE classroom. Following a theoretical framework that includes concepts that are of interest for didactising the literary text in the L2 classroom, we ...
Sanabria Munar, Fabio Quintana Tascón, Marcela
This document describes how the Mathematics Department of Hispanoamericano School has investigated, analyzed, and gradually worked on conceptual elements related to Economic and Financial Education (EEF) over the past 10 years. A brief description is given of the components or ideals embraced by the faculty, such as relevance and educational benefi...
Ajuriaguerra Escudero, Miguel Ángel Chidean, Mihaela Ioana De Jorge Huertas, Virginia
Promoting spatial intelligence and intuition in secondary school is critical for future architecture and engineering professionals to develop their skills. Secondary schools, based mainly on digital tools, work in this direction. However, given the performance of undergraduate students, there is still room for improvement in acquiring this skill. T...
Gil Claros, Mario Germán
This reflection focuses attention on five central aspects regarding love and the species in the philosopher Schopenhauer. In each of them the role of the will stands out in its central role in love, in the procreation and perpetuation of the species, in which love stands out as a trick, a deception for the couple, so that it fulfills its purpose. i...
Torres Baño, Jaime Efrén Rivera Carrillo, Maritza Alejandra Casillas Carrasco, María Daniela Cifuentes Montalván, Mayra Elizabeth González Laines, René Francisco
This article presents a bibliometric analysis on the evolution of didactics in Physical Education, in order to identify trends, prominent authors and predominant research areas. The introduction establishes the relevance of didactics in the comprehensive training of students and its impact on motor learning. The main objective of the study is to ma...
Prot, Frédérique Marie
Este estudio explora la ingeniería cooperativa aplicada a las prácticas de expresión escrita en las escuelas primarias francesas, centrándose específicamente en el método de «texto libre» del enfoque educativo Freinet. La ingeniería cooperativa, tal como la definen Sensevy y Bloor (2020), consiste en que educadores e investigadores diseñen, aplique...
Martínez Galaz, Carolina Henríquez Rivas, Carolina Andrea Climent Rodríguez, Nuria Vanegas Ortega, Carlos Mario Mejía Aristizábal, Luz Stella
This paper presents an exploratory self-study involving five teacher trainers from different countries, specialized in the teaching of science and mathematics. To characterize the community’s reflective processes, discussion groups were held during which recordings of their lessons were analyzed. Through a content analysis, we identified two types ...