El Derecho del Mar como límite a la potestad normativa: la STS 1358/2022, de 24 de octubre de 2022
The article describes the role played by the Latin–American countries and their jurists in the development of the Law of the Sea, from the call into question of the classical Law though the Santiago’s Declaration (1952), to its modernization in the Third UN Conference on the Law of the Sea. It exposes the disparity of views between “territorialist”...
This note deals with the request of an advisory opinion submitted on 12 December 2022 by the Commission of Small Island States on Climate Change and International Law to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. In this request, this Commission has asked to the Tribunal what the specific obligations of the States Parties to the United Nati...
The use of the term ‘maritime security’ generates confusion in Spanish. The words ‘safety’ and ‘security’ (sécurité and sureté in French) are often used interchangeably in Spanish because there is only one word to define both concepts, which is ‘seguridad’. So first of all the term needs to be clarified. Moreover, the term ‘maritime security’ is in...
This paper studies the contiguous zone, especially considering the interpretation of its legal regime carried out by the international jurisprudence. In this regard, the following aspects are analysed: its definition, the jurisdiction of the coastal State in this maritime area, the necessary declaration of the contiguous zone and its maximum breadt...
This paper aims to describe the role of Peru in the Law of the Sea and provide an opinion on whether it is convenient for Peru to sign the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982 (UNCLOS). To do this, a brief historical review of the Law of the Sea is made, within which the role of Peru as a pioneer country in the thesis of the 200 ...
The Law of the Sea has gone through different stages until the enactment of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1982, which gave rise to a comprehensive regime for the oceans. In this sense, within the framework of changes in the international system in terms of the number and variety of relevant actors, the Latin American coasta...
The oceans absorb approximately 30% of global CO2 emissions, as they act as carbon sinks along with forests. However, acting as carbon sinks has its consequences, since the oceans are becoming more acidic due to a chemical interaction between water molecules (H2O) and CO2, which produces carbonic acid (H2CO3). Carbonic acid reduces the amount of ca...
EXPERIENCIAS EUROMEDITERRÁNEAS DE GESTIÓN DE LA GOBERNANZA MIGRATORIA La inmigración en el Mediterráneo Central ha dado lugar a una serie de iniciativas por parte de los sucesivos gobiernos italianos destinadas a contrarrestar la llegada a los puertos de la Península de embarcaciones con personas rescatadas en el mar. Dos son las directrices seguid...
El derecho consuetudinario permitió establecer las fronteras entre los países, en especial, aquellos adyacentes a la línea costera. Sin embargo, el hombre en su afán de desarrollo, ha explotado los recursos naturales de manera desmedida, provocando el fenómeno del calentamiento global, cuyo desenlace impacta los niveles marinos actuales y amenaza l...