Saavedra Meléndez, Valentina Fernanda Pastor-Martínez, Luciana Peliowski-Dobbs, Amarí Herrmann-Lunecke, Marie Geraldine
Abstract: The historically masculine conception of the city has generated an unequal relationship between people and their urban context according to gender. This produces an invisibility of women in public space, limiting their participation and therefore their right to the city. However, feminist organizations in Chile have stressed this reality ...
Sletza Ortega Ramírez, Adriana
This article introduces an analysis about the right to the city for migrant popu-lation in Mexico City considering three main dimensions: utopia, public pol-icy and social rights. The article is a result of both a documentary and field initial research interviewing migrants and civil organizations defending rights of migrants, during 2021 and 2022....
Pasapera Tupiño, Nohelia
This article takes as its starting point the case of cycling activists and their practices of appropriation of activists’ spaces at the World Bicycle Forum (WBF) in Lima (February 22 to 26, 2018) and Quito (April 24 to 28, 2019) to initiate a debate on women’s right to the city. Using a qualitative analysis, it is proposed to expose the strategies ...
Muñoz García, Rebeca Díaz Gorfinkiel, Magdalena
The daily relationships in the territory of the neighborhoods constitute an essential social process in people's lives. The configuration of urban spaces determines how neighbors largely build their social relationships. The uses of urban spaces shape the possibilities of interaction and social cohesion in neighborhoods. This article analyzes the r...
López Santiago, Maribel
The following article addresses the conflict over urban territory between the Unión de Palo Alto Cooperative and the real estate capital, located in the area of Santa Fe, Mexico City. The research has a historical perspective; it addresses from the process of appropriation of the right to the city by the cooperative in the seventies to the threat o...
Casanova Berna, Nestor
While the contemporary city agonizes in its diverse forms of diffuse urbanization, at a moment in which the city flees from its inhabitants, the multiform idea of a human right to the city has emerged with not enough clarity yet. However, from this social situation, the conception of a human right to inhabit can also germinate even in a hidden way...
Barrera García, Angie Daniela
Existen múltiples retos frente a la problemática de la Vivienda de Interés Social (VIS) asociados a cómo se ha concebido desde el sistema político y jurídico el modelo de gestión habitacional en el nivel nacional, que tiene repercusiones directas en el qué hacer del Distrito y en los instrumentos de ordenamiento territorial como el POT. Así mismo, ...
Figueroa Díaz, María Elena
The interconnection between the mutually linked right to the city and cultural rights, and their expression in Mexican cultural policies are analyzed in this text. The union of both rights has been strengthened by the emergence of new instruments for reflection and intervention to achieve more just, equitable, inclusive and respectful societies. Cu...
Dassé, Marine
International audience
Aguilera Rodríguez, Ana Rosa
The insufficient legal recognition of the right to the city limits the full scope of urban sustainability. Based on this, the present article is carried out, in which, with the use of sociological, analysis-synthesis, theoretical-legal and hermeneutic-legal methods, the issue of the right to the city is addressed from the relationship intrinsic tha...