Cavaillé, Charlotte Gay, Victor
Despite its early experiment with manhood suffrage, France was among the last countries in Europe to extend voting rights to women. Existing accounts of this French exceptionalism point to the key role of a group of legislators, the Radicals, who blocked suffrage extension because they believed women would vote for pro-Church parties, undermining R...
Yılmaz, Abdüssamet
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, 2024 / 17.yy'ın ikinci yarısında hekimbaşı İbn Sellum'un (ö. 1669) Tercemetü't-Tıbbi'l-Cedidi'l-Kimyai li-Paraselsus eserinin ardından başlayan tıbb-ı cedid yani yeni tıp külliyatı ile başlayan süreçte Osmanlı Devleti'nde tıp sahasının çehresi değişmiştir. Yeni tıp il...
Lores Masip, Fernando
En este texto se tratan los proyectos familiares de búsqueda, exhumación y reinhumación de los restos de personas desaparecidas durante la represión franquista como una práctica ritual funeraria semejante a un «segundo enterramiento». Un aspecto central es la situación de liminaridad en la que permanecen los desaparecidos y sus familiares, imposibi...
Olafsdottir, Gudlaug
Although nearly all states have adopted multiparty elections, democracy still struggles to firmly take root in many parts of the world. This dissertation examines the relationship between electoral violence and democratization using a multi-method approach. Each of the four essays takes a unique perspective on the link between electoral violence an...
Basile, María Verónica
The article reconstructs fragments of the CIDAM/CID Art Biennials developed in the city of Córdoba between 1986 and 1998. The purpose of this case is to examine the diverse aspects of the processes of cultural democratization of the eighties from the perspective of Transdisciplinary Cultural History. This experience involves complex articulations b...
El Helwe, Dima
This thesis explores whether the participation of the Lebanese Islamic Group (al-Jamaʿa al-Islamiyya) in the October 7 Israel-Hamas War (2023) signifies a return to a confrontational ideology of Muslim solidarity that contrasts with the broader regional Muslim Brotherhood platform, marking a shift from a period of political moderation noted by West...
Barroso Cortés, Francisco Salvador
This essay examines Venezuelan political elite behavior and how decision-makers might contemplate power-sharing as a means to restore the nation-state. The article delves into the challenges and prospects of adopting power-sharing as a strategy not only for peacekeeping but also, crucially, peace-making processes. Starting with an overall assessmen...
Norris, James Arthur Norris, Lola Orellano
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to expose public attitudes in Mexico towards the perceived success or failure of democracy in the country, and possible support for authoritarian alternatives that might be perceived as more successful in delivering justice and security. Theoretical Framework: Mexico’s new democracy has stalled due to severe ...
Pittas, Konstantinos
Peer reviewed: True / This article examines the diversity of tactical interventions that transpired at the Whitney Museum of American Art in 2019, culminating in the resignation of the vice-chairman of its Board of Trustees. Instead of accepting the myth of museum neutrality, the activist campaign, spearheaded by the action-oriented movement Decolo...
Pittas, Konstantinos
This article examines the diversity of tactical interventions that transpired at the Whitney Museum of American Art in 2019, culminating in the resignation of the vice-chairman of its Board of Trustees. Instead of accepting the myth of museum neutrality, the activist campaign, spearheaded by the action-oriented movement Decolonize This Place, treat...