Goscha, Christopher
Ce texte a pour ambition de comprendre comment les Français d’Indochine ont vécu les événements tumultueux d’août et septembre 1945 quand les Vietnamiens ont pris le pouvoir au Vietnam à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Comment les Français sur place ont-ils perçu l’indépendance du Vietnam ? Comment ont-ils compris la fin possible de l’empire ...
Santiago, Silviano
The essay is the first of a series aimed at subjecting Machado de Assis’ work to a laboratory state, in order to present a future reading in contrast to Marcel Proust’s work. Canonical readings guided by sociological methodology are abandoned, favoring an understanding of the rhetorical and thematic boldness that materializes in The Posthumous Memo...
Badier, Benjamin
L’une des transformations les plus frappantes de la monarchie marocaine à l’issue du règne du sultan puis roi Mohammed V (1909-1961) est la dépersonnalisation de la fonction monarchique : la distinction croissante entre le corps personnel et mortel du monarque et le corps immortel et politique de la monarchie. Cette dissociation doit garantir une m...
Hendrickson, Burleigh
This article expands on the observations I made in September 2023 at the IX Conference of Study and Reflection on Student Movements, and summarizes the main points of my recent research reflected in Decolonizing 1968: Transnational Student Activism in Tunis, Paris, and Dakar. It is argued that the 1968 protests must be understood as a postcolonial ...
Sánchez Gómez, Luis Ángel
The article presents the debates published in the Spanish press on the alleged decolonization of state museums, an idea presented in public by the director of a national museum in October 2022, but denied by the Ministry. The reflections and actions developed by academics and political activists around the same idea are discussed, as well as the in...
Ludwig, David Banuoku, Daniel Faabelangne Boogaard, Birgit Elhani, Charbel N. Guri, Bernard Yangmaadome Kramm, Matthias Renck, Vitor Ressiore C., Adriana Robles-Piñeros, Jairo Turska, Julia J.
This article addresses ontological negotiations in the Global South through three case studies of community-based research in Brazil and Ghana. We argue that ontological perspectives of Indigenous people and local communities require an ontological pluralism that recognizes both the plurality of representational tools and of ways of being in the wo...
Beardsley, Steven
Queer Intimacies analyzes how Filipino/x American and Indigenous writers and cultural producers of the Philippines (re)imagine intimate relationships. Filipino/x Americans turn to and imagine Indigeneity as locked in their past to challenge the legacy of U.S. cultural imperialism and to decolonize their and our minds. By doing so, they instead perp...
Duarte Sanchez, Debbie Marlee
The conventional ghost story in the Western imagination follows a common narrative trope. A ghost, created by the occurrence of some kind of injustice, haunts the place where this injustice occurred. The protagonist(s) of this story will seek to resolve the haunting by repealing the ghost, thereby freeing themselves of this unsettling circumstance....
Puga, Dominga
This thesis contributes to the fuller project of decolonization by focusing on the development of Yoga in the 20th century and up to the present. The essay considers understandings of Yoga that reinforce the dichotomous West/Non-West image of the world. It develops new research on contemporary yoga in Mexico to show the limits and distortions of th...
Norton, Anthony Dean
The right to self-determination of peoples lies at the core of much global disquiet.Disputes over the practical meaning of the right for all peoples to “pursue their economic, social, and cultural development without outside interference” can lead to domestic conflicts that harden over decades and others capable of enflaming geopolitical crises. I ...