Hallberg-Sramek, Isabella Lindgren, Simon Samuelsson, Jonatan Sandström, Camilla
Conflicts over the management and governance of forests seem to be increasing. Previous media studies in this area have largely focused on analysing the portrayal of specific conflicts. This study aims to review how a broad range of forest conflicts are portrayed in the Swedish media, analysing their temporal, spatial, and relational dimensions. We...
Maraoge, Jennifer
The process of secularization has brought significant changes to the religious landscape in Sweden. The influence of the dominant Lutheran Church has diminished, paving the way for individual belief systems such as Satanism. Secularization has made the mediatization of religion possible, which in turn has anticipated changes in the public represent...
Lochon, Annie
Depuis 30 ans, les médias français ont participé à la mise en lumière des violences sexuelles commises envers les enfants et les femmes, sur fond de discours sur l’insécurité. À partir d’un corpus de 2071 articles, publiés entre 1989 et 2019, issus de deux journaux français, l’article identifie les pics médiatiques et les évolutions des représentat...
Nilsson, Caroline Nilsson, Malin
Denna studie syftade till att jämföra dagspressens konstruktioner av två gärningspersoner med olika etniska tillhörigheter, den ena svensk och den andra uzbekisk. Vid urvalet av tidningsartiklar inkluderades samtliga användbara artiklar som publicerats under en tidsperiod på sju dagar. Artiklarna studerades därefter genom en kvalitativ inne...
Ampollini, Ilaria Bucchi, Massimiano
Published in
Science and engineering ethics
Most studies of research integrity in the general media focus on the coverage of specific cases of misconduct. This paper tries to provide a more general, long-term perspective by analysing media discourse about research integrity and related themes in the Italian and United Kingdom daily press from 2000 to 2016. The results, based on a corpus of 8...
Hodén, Tintin
This dissertation examines how the art museum’s societal function has been constructed in the Swedish public debate. The dissertation shows that the cultural section of the daily press is, and has been, a forum where actors exchange opinions about art museums, and where notions on the art museums’ functions are co-produced. The specific aim of the ...
Meyen, Michael
Published in
Der Beitrag fragt, nach welchen Prinzipien deutsche Tageszeitungen heute Realität konstruieren, und nutzt Schimanks Verknüpfung von System- und Handlungstheorie, um die Handlungslogik der Massenmedien als komplexes Konstrukt aus Akteurskonstellationen und Erwartungs- und Deutungsstrukturen zu konzeptualisieren. Auf dieser Basis wird in einer histor...
Delanoë, Alexandre Galam, Serge
The methodological approach proposed here combines textual statistical analysis and agent-based simulations. The controversy concerning the unusual disappearance of pollinating bees (Apis mellifera) covered in the French press over a period of 13 years was chosen to describe the different stages of this heuristic framework. First, the articles are ...
Delanoë, Alexandre Galam, Serge
Published in
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Torre, André Melot, Romain Magsi, Habibullah Bossuet, Luc Cadoret, Anne Caron, Armelle Darly, Ségolène Jeanneaux, Philippe Kirat, Thierry Pham, Haï Vu
Published in
This text aims to present the methodology of study of land-use conflicts performed in recent years by a multidisciplinary team, and to reveal the methods of survey and data collection, as well as the structure of the resulting database. We first define the scope of our study by providing a definition of these conflicts, of their characteristics and...