To evaluate agreement of the updated European League Against Rheumatism and European Scleroderma Trials and Research group (EUSTAR) recommendations for treatment of systemic sclerosis (SSc) among international experts. In addition, to determine factors that might influence agreement. Level of agreement (10-point scale: 0 = not at all, 10 = complete...
This Other presents a film produced in the Ghibe valley on trypanosomosis control. It starts with an introduction by Dr John McDermot; and comprises a film; a film with explanatory commentary; and a complete english sub-titles for the film or film with commentary.
Gall, Y.Woitag, J.Bauer, B.Sidibe, I.McDermott, John J.Eisler, M.C.Mehlitz, D.Clausen, P.H.
Drug resistant trypanosome infections in livestock have been Reported from 13 sub-Saharan countries so far, in eight of which multiple resistance occurs. Since new trypanocides are unlikely to appear on the market in the near future, information about the occurrence, extent and impact of drug resistant trypanosome infections in livestock becomes in...