Test of the rem-counter WENDI-II from Eberline in different energy-dispersed neutron fields
The neutron rem-counter WENDI-II from Eberline was tested in high-energy particle accelerator produced neutron fields. A radioactive "2"4"1Am-Be(#alpha#n) source was used as a reference. The experimentally determined responses are compared to Monte-Carlo simulations of the response function done by R. H. Olsher et al. (2000). The energy spectra of ...
Due to its extremely low area dose rate, the Underground Laboratory for Dosimetry and Spectrometry (UDO) of the PTB at the 925 m level of the Asse II Salt Mine offers unique possibilities for the investigation and calibration of dosimetry systems of high sensitivity as are used, for example, in environmental monitoring. Due to its low area dose rat...
With the amendments of the Radiation Protection Ordinance of August 1, 2001, and of the X-ray Ordinance of July 1, 2002, new phantom-related dose measurands for external and internal exposure were introduced in Germany. The concept of the dose quantities in radiation protection changed, and the PTB had to adjust its standard measuring devices to th...
Eine Thoron-Referenzkammer wurde im Laboratorium ''Umweltradioaktivitaet'' der PTB entwickelt. Stabile und homogene Thoron-Referenzatmosphaeren zur Kalibrierung von Thoron-Messgeraeten werden erzeugt. Aktivitaetskonzentrationen in Luft zwischen 1 kBq/m"3 und 10 kBq/m"3 werden mit Hilfe einer Vieldraht-Impuls-Ionisationskammer charakterisiert. Die T...