Traditional cocoa plantations in Ecuador are mostly composed of a complex mix of highly variable hybrid progenies, which has greatly reduced the population of native trees of the "Nacional" variety, to such a point that they are considered today as heading for extinction, which is increasingly worrying the international chocolate industry. Some yea...
La famille des palmiers compte 187 genres et environ 2600 espèces, distribués dans toutes les régions chaudes du monde. Les analyses phylogénétiques conduites dans la famille, incorporant des schémas de datation moléculaire calibrés à l'aide de fossiles, montrent de nettes discontinuités dans l'histoire évolutive de ce groupe de plantes au cours du...
Loeuille, N.Barot, SébastienGeorgelin, E.Kylafis, G.Lavigne, C.
Community and ecosystem ecology are paying increasing attention to evolutionary dynamics, offering a means of attaining a more comprehensive understanding of ecological networks and more efficient and sustainable agroecosystems. Here, we review how such approaches can be applied, and we provide theoretical models to illustrate how eco-evolutionary ...
Loeuille, N.Barot, SébastienGeorgelin, E.Kylafis, G.Lavigne, C.
Community and ecosystem ecology are paying increasing attention to evolutionary dynamics, offering a means of attaining a more comprehensive understanding of ecological networks and more efficient and sustainable agroecosystems. Here, we review how such approaches can be applied, and we provide theoretical models to illustrate how eco-evolutionary ...
Loeuille, N.Barot, SébastienGeorgelin, E.Kylafis, G.Lavigne, C.
Community and ecosystem ecology are paying increasing attention to evolutionary dynamics, offering a means of attaining a more comprehensive understanding of ecological networks and more efficient and sustainable agroecosystems. Here, we review how such approaches can be applied, and we provide theoretical models to illustrate how eco-evolutionary ...