Holzpellet ein Brennstoff mit Zukunft
The brochure provides information on wood chip furnaces in the range up to 1000 kW: Arguments in favour of wood fuel, wood chip furnaces up to 1 MW, physical and chemical foundations, calorific value, fuel quality grades, provision and preparation, drying, technical facilities, fuel characteristics, pollutant emissions, furnace systems, boiler and ...
Die Broschuere enthaelt Informationen zu Holzpelletheizungen: Ueberblick ueber die Pellet-Heiztechnologie, bautechnische Ausfuehrungen -Abgasweg-Schornstein, Lagerung und Einblasen von Pellets, Brennstofflagerung -Bauausfuehrung, Kombination mit thermischen Solaranlagen, Anlagenkonzepte fuer Ein- und Mehrfamilienhaeuser, Dimensionierung kleiner Nah...
Die vorliegende Machbarkeitsstudie fuehrte in der technischen, wirtschaftlichen und genehmigungsrechtlichen Bewertung zu einem positiven Ergebnis. Eine Umsetzung des beschriebenen Anlagenkonzeptes erscheint daher prinzipiell realisierbar. Aus der Bewertung verschiedener Varianten ging die technische Planung des Anlagenkonzeptes hervor. Dieses liegt...
New trends in regional bioenergy, energy from wood, cereals and biomass in agriculture were presented at the conference. Many exhibitors used the opportunity to offer high-grade, sophisticated products in order to gain new ground on the market. / Dem interessierten Publikum werden nicht nur die neuesten Entwicklungen in den Bereichen regionale Bio-...
The cooperative project had the object to find trade strategies, which the competitive ability of the district heating receives in the liberalized current market. It could be proven that apart form the risks that are caused by the decay of the electricity prices, also chances are existing caused by deregulation of the markets. The measures of net-o...
The research project of the municipal utility of Lemgo was financed from public funds and was to investigate whether the district heating business as a part of a municipal utility can survive competition in a deregulated market environment, using CHP systems for the politically willed cogeneration of electricity and district heating. Two basically ...