Баранчиков, Ю. Н.
Приводится краткий обзор биологии, распространения, хозяйственной значимости и возможных вариантов контроля инвазивного короеда уссурийского полиграфа Polygraphus proximus Berisford и ассоциированных с ним фитопатогенных грибов. / A brief review of the biology, distribution, economic importance and possible control options of the invasive four-eyed...
Diaz Cedres, Ana Cristina
[ES] Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado documentará las alternativas desarrolladas como respuesta a la necesidad de aumentar el número de líneas de producción en la planta de Zimvie en Valencia, según los objetivos de los directivos de la empresa. La nueva maquinaria deberá ubicarse dentro de una parte de la planta actualmente ocupada, en su mayoría, por...
Hernández, Sandra García, Ana G. Arenas, Francisco Escribano, M. Pilar Jueterbock, Alexander De Clerck, Olivier Maggs, Christine A. Franco, João N. Martínez, Brezo D. C.
Aim: Global warming is affecting the distribution of species worldwide, but the level of adaptation of edge populations to warmer temperatures remains an open question. Here, we assess the thermal tolerance of populations of two habitat-forming seaweeds along their latitudinal range, using thermal niche unfilling to assess their resilience to globa...
Blouet, Sylvain Bramanti, Lorenzo Guizien, Katell
Engineer species, such as gorgonians, provide several ecosystem services and play a significant role in the maintenance of biodiversity, which is why it is important to identify optimal strategies for their conservation. We aimed to test an ecological niche modelling approach in the marine shallow environment and identify the ecological niche of va...
Croiset, Camille Dhivert, Elie Phuong, Ngoc-Nam Grosbois, Cécile Zalouk-Vergnoux, Aurore Baltzer, Agnès Gasperi, Johnny
MICRO 2022, Plastic pollution from macro to nano, En distanciel, , 14-/11/2022 - 18/11/2022 / International audience
Klamm, Melissa M Duck, Angela A Welsch, Michael A Yan, Yonghua Torres, Elisa R Wade, Breanna Stewart, Mary W Clayton, Jill Zhang, Lei
Published in
Journal for specialists in pediatric nursing : JSPN
The objectives of this paper are (1) to examine patterns of physical activity (PA) and sedentary behavior; (2) to describe development of a method to quantify movement dispersion; and (3) to determine the relationship between variables of movement (i.e., volume, intensity, and dispersion), volume of sedentary behavior, and estimated cardiorespirato...
Marsac, Paul BLANC, Juliette Chupin, Olivier Gabet, Thomas Hammoum, Ferhat GARG, Navneet NGUYEN, Mai Lan
6th International Conference on Accelerated Pavement Testing , NANTES, FRANCE, 27-/09/2021 - 29/09/2021
Van Weverberg, Kwinten Morcrette, Cyril J. Boutle, Ian Furtado, Kalli Field, Paul R.
Cloud fraction parameterizations are beneficial to regional, convection-permitting numerical weather prediction. For its operational regional midlatitude forecasts, the Met Office uses a diagnostic cloud fraction scheme that relies on a unimodal, symmetric subgrid saturation-departure distribution. This scheme has been shown before to underestimate...
SUN, Wen-Jing CUI, Yu Jun
It is well-known that a close link exists between soil-water retention curve (SWRC) and pore size distribution (PSD). Theoretically, mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) test simulates a soil drying path and the test results can be used to deduce the SWRC (termed SWRCMIP). However, SWRCMIP does not include the effect of volume change, compared with ...
MARSAC, Paul BLANC, Juliette CHUPIN, Olivier GABET, Thomas HAMMOUM, Ferhat GARG, Navneet NGUYEN, Mai Lan
The concept of truck platooning is to take advantage of the connectivity technologies and automated driving support systems to link trucks in close formation (convoy) in order to increase transport efficiency, reduce fuel consumption and gas emissions while improving road safety. However, closely guided trucks following each other could have a diff...