Ghanem, Nihal
L'utilisation du bois dans la construction présente des atouts en termes de structures innovantes et d'enjeux environnementaux. Mais ce matériau est sensible aux variations climatiques (température, humidité relative) et ses propriétés mécaniques peuvent être modifiées, voire altérées en condition d'usage et induire des désordres dans les structure...
Nashed Kabalan, Ola Marceau, Sandrine Le Roy, Robert
First International RILEM Conference on Earthen Construction, Champs-sur-Marne, FRANCE, 18-/03/2022 - 19/03/2022
Leiva-Padilla, Paulina Blanc, Juliette Salgado, Aitor Hammoum, Ferhat Hornych, Pierre
Truck platooning for the transportation of loads is a strategy recently proposed by the automotive sector to cope with traffic congestion, fuel consumption, and operational costs. This new way of configuring trucks changes the typical pressures pavements structures experience. For this reason, the research efforts of the pavement sector should be a...
domej;, gisela
For many geotechnical purposes, the proper estimation of shapes and dimensions of landslide rupture zones is of significant importance. Very often, this exact delineation is difficult due to the lack of information on rupture zone extents in 3D. Based on a global landslide inventory, this work presents statistical analyses correlating dimension-rel...
For many geotechnical purposes, the proper estimation of shapes and dimensions of landslide rupture zones is of significant importance. Very often, this exact delineation is dicult due to the lack of information on rupture zone extents in 3D. Based on a global landslide inventory, this work presents statistical analyses correlating dimension relate...
El Hajj Diab, Mohammad
Several examples of structures have been severely damaged, or even reached the total collapse, after the propagation of some local failure, resulting from an accidental or exceptional event. These catastrophic events highlight the importance of the structural design not to be limited to safety under normal conditions, but also to preserve structura...
Nguyen Van, Eric Alazard, Daniel Pastor, Philippe Döll, Carsten
Distributed Electric Propulsion is investigated as a way to increase directional control of aircraft and reduce the vertical tail surface area. A co-design approach is presented where a H ∞ control method is used to both synthesize longitudinal/lateral control law gains and allocation module while sizing the vertical tail surface area and the prope...
Vinot, Emmanuel
Depuis leur "lancement" en 1997, les véhicules électriques hybrides n'ont pas cessé de se développer et de plus en plus de modèles sont maintenant disponibles. Des méthodes numériques de dimensionnement des composants et des architectures peuvent cependant encore améliorer leurs performances ou permettre de trouver les meilleurs compromis pour faci...
Poulain, D. Sutter, M. Tourment, R. Maurin, J. Auger, Nicolas Chevalier, C. Deniaud, Y. Ledoux, Patricia Mallet, T. Palacios, J.C.
Le CFBR (Comité Français des Barrages et Réservoirs) a mis en place un groupe de travail chargé de faire un état des méthodes utilisées en réparation (suite à désordres ou brèches) et confortement (suite à potentialité de désordre, constatées lors d'un diagnostic) des digues ; l'objectif fixé est de proposer des recommandations techniques pour chaq...
Taverne, Marie Clément, Sarah Prost, Lorène Barcellini, Flore
The chapter evaluates how the TATA-BOX process supported the collective design of an agroecological transition. In order to carry out this evaluation, we interviewed a panel of 24 participants about their experience of the process and their opinions on it. In this chapter we set out the results in relation to three questions: How did the workshops ...