Aniceto, K.Moreira Turcq, PatriciaCordeiro, R.C.Quintana, I.Fraizy, PascalTurcq, Bruno
The Amazon is responsible for the higher discharge of water and sediment from continent to ocean in the world, but the Amazon basin embodies a large variety of regions with different seasonal climate, hydrological regimes and vegetation. Some of these compartments may be considered as the most critical zones because they encompass severe changes in...
Les sols caillouteux couvrent jusqu’à 30% de la surface des sols d’Europe de l’ouest, et jusqu’à 60% dans les zones méditerranéennes. Ils sont constitués d’éléments grossiers dont le diamètre est supérieur à 2 mm : la fraction grossière comprenant les cailloux (diamètre entre 2 et 5 cm). Toutefois les propriétés physico-chimiques de ces sols sont g...
The sandy soil can serve as a potential reserve for cultivation. However, they are often considered as marginal because prone to have low productivity and problems of structure degradation. One of the degradations is compaction caused by rainfall or irrigation, which is called slumping. Our objective is to identify the processes and factors that af...
An oven dedicated to a magnetic resonance imager (MRI) was designed and constructed for continuous monitoring of the whole baking process. The general aim was to test whether response variables conventionally measured on bread loaves, such as temperature, density, and water loss, were consistent with those reported for similar products baked in cla...
Al Majou, HassanBruand, AryDuval, OdileCousin, Isabelle
Parmi les nombreuses fonctions de pédotransfert (FPT) qui ont été développées depuis plusieurs dizaines d’années, les classes de fonctions de pédotransfert (CFPT) n’ont fait l’objet que d’un nombre très limité d’études car leurs performances sont généralement considérées comme étant très limitées. A l’opposé, les fonctions de pédotransfert continue...