Herstellung und Untersuchung definierter Thoron-Referenzfelder zur Kalibrierung von Thoron-Messgeraeten Abschlussbericht...
Eine Thoron-Referenzkammer wurde im Laboratorium ''Umweltradioaktivitaet'' der PTB entwickelt. Stabile und homogene Thoron-Referenzatmosphaeren zur Kalibrierung von Thoron-Messgeraeten werden erzeugt. Aktivitaetskonzentrationen in Luft zwischen 1 kBq/m"3 und 10 kBq/m"3 werden mit Hilfe einer Vieldraht-Impuls-Ionisationskammer charakterisiert. Die T...
The clearance of buildings of nuclear facilities, which were dealing with nuclear fuel, is characterized by enhanced operation of in-situ measuring methods for release. In spite of the well known chain of sample collection, sample preparation and laboratory analysis, in-situ- techniques are more representative. In the past, surface contamination mo...
The Institute of Radiochemistry (IRC), one of the five institutes of the Forschungszentrum Rossendorf (FZR) performs basic and applied research in the fields of radiochemistry and radioecology. Main goal is the quantification of the interaction and mobility of radionuclides in the geo- and biosphere. Because of their high radiotoxicity and long hal...
Headings of the conference: medical concepts of radon balneology; radiobiological fundamentals of low-dose radiotherapy of benign diseases; radiation protection in the case of radon exposure - concepts and data and -epidemiological studies. / Short version also available as RADIZ-Information 20/2001, 72 p. / Available from TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fach...
Daily and seasonal variation of the equilibrium equivalent radon concentration (EEC_R_n_-_2_2_2) and of the concentration of the short-lived radon decay product "2"1"4Pb in ground-level air was investigated at Munich-Neuherberg from 1982 to 2000, and from 1989 to 2000, respectively. For this, the EEC was measured continuously with an alpha/beta aer...