Krajňák, Michal
The article deals with the decision-making situation whether it is more advantageous for accounting entities in Czechia to keep accounting according to Czech accounting regulations or to International Financial Reporting Standards. The preparation of financial statements only in accordance with national accounting regulations may often not be suffi...
Kučerová, Silvie R. Šmíd, Jan Navarová, Eva Doležal, Marek
Published in
European Countryside
Public elementary schools in rural municipalities represent key institutional amenities for the communities they serve, and their administrations are part of the broader municipal political structure. This article focuses on the views of Czech mayors regarding the role schools play for municipalities and a consideration of how school operation prac...
Smutná, Zdeňka Hruška, Vladan
Published in
European Countryside
In global research, food hubs are evaluated as a suitable tool for the development of alternative food networks and the transformation of the agri-food system towards sustainability. However, in Europe, research conclusions in recent years point to a lack of knowledge about operating food hubs. Expanding information about how food hubs work is cruc...
Šťastná, Milada Vaishar, Antonín
Published in
Quaestiones Geographicae
The study evaluates the regional development potential of a specific rural micro-region with regard to its qualitative aspect. It aims to set a general strategy for further development. The method is a geographical analysis using the migration balance as an indicator of the region’s attractiveness for housing. Main strengths, weaknesses, opportunit...
Kopeček, Lubomír
Published in
Politics in Central Europe
This article analyses the use of powers by Czech presidents Václav Havel (1993–2003), Václav Klaus (2003–2013) and Miloš Zeman (2013–2023). The text is based on the concept of presidential activism, empirically examining mainly their interactions with governments and legislative vetoes. The results show that important incentives for presidential ac...
Konarzewska, Aleksandra
Published in
Zeitschrift für Slawistik
This paper concerns works by the Polish contemporary author and journalist Mariusz Szczygieł (*1966). I analyze Szczygieł’s Czech reportages (Gottland [2006], Zrób sobie raj [2010] and to some extent Nie ma [2018]) from the perspective of memory studies, focusing particularly on the question of taboo in collective memory and the issue of false memo...
mlček, šimon
Zadáním bakalářské práce bylo vytvořit obytnou čtvrť rodinných domů. Místem projektu je rozvojové okrajové území města Litoměřice v Ústeckém kraji, konkrétně za Pokratickým sídlištěm. Rozloha řešeného území lehce překračuje 7 hektarů. Navrhovaná struktura je pestrá, jejím hlavním posláním je zprostředkovat přechod mezi urbánní strukturou panelového...
molitor, mikuláš
Mezitratí - opuštěné místo v rozšířeném centru Prahy, od zbytku města odříznuto tratí. Snažím se mu vdechnout nový život. Proto sem navrhuji nejen psí útulek, ale celý areál, kde člověk najde vše, co jeho pejsek potřebuje. Místa je zde dost a Pražané to ocení. Srdcem návrhu je velká neformální louka, kde mohou pobíhat děti, psi a klidně i dospělí. ...
Stachová, Jana Čermák, Daniel
Published in
Journal of Landscape Ecology
The study presented in this paper uses a representative sample of the Czech population to analyse the relationships between attitudes to trees and preferences for landscapes with trees. We ask whether a positive assessment of the environmental benefits of trees in general and old and dead trees in particular leads to preferences for close-to-nature...
Sagan, Anna Kowalska-Bobko, Iwona Bryndová, Lucie Smatana, Martin Chaklosh, Ihor Gaál, Pétér
Published in
Frontiers in Public Health
Although countries in central and eastern Europe (CEE) have relatively younger populations compared to the West, their populations are often affected by higher prevalence of chronic conditions and multi-morbidity and this burden will likely increase as their populations age. Relatively little is known about how these countries cater to the needs of...