Modano, Valentina
[ES] En 1946, Lina Bo Bardi desembarcó en las costas brasileñas, y desde ese momento comienza a emprender una nueva ruta tanto personal como profesional que la llevó a convertirse en una de las autoras más importantes del siglo XX. La obra de la arquitecta italiana amplió el alcance de los espacios construidos, incorporó nuevos conceptos y planteó ...
Menezes Soares, Filipe
Resenha do Livro Sobre o Autoritarismo Brasileiro. Na discussão, proponho uma interlocução com a autora, onde valorizo a importância e atualidade do tema. No texto são recuperados os principais argumentos, sem, contudo, deixar que sejam feitas as críticas necessárias à abordagem presente no livro.
Franchetti, Paulo
This article focuses on some inflections of Antonio Candido’s work: first, we present his historical perspective on Brazilian literature and culture in the “years of development” (1950s), which pointed to the integration of Brazil into the civilized nations club; in the sequence, the impact of the military coup d’état (1964) on the author’s thinkin...
Pessoni, Arquimedes Bazanini, Homero Leoni Miklos, Jorge
Increasingly modern organizations have realized the need to know culture’s points to prepare the leaders for everyday relationship with the media. This actual study investigated the Brazilian culture modeling and the performance of the Media Training professionals. Through this exploratory research, qualitative nature, assisted by historical-critic...
Santiago, Silviano
El ensayo propone la cordialidad brasileña como phármakon, un indecidible entre amistad y enemistad, consanguineidad y afinidad, don y acumulación, familiaridad y ferocidad de la cultura del Brasil en relación con la historia universal. A la medida de una reserva culturalmente situada, el ensayo postula la idea de una cordialidad que puede apostars...
Santiago, Silviano
The text proposes the Brazilian cordiality as phármakon, an undecidable between friendship and enmity, consanguinity and affinity, gift and accumulation, familiarity and ferocity of the culture of Brazil in relation to world history. To the extent culturally situated a reservation, the test postulated the idea of a warmth that can be wagered in def...
Emanuelli Magalhães, Nara Maria
This article approaches the meaning of television in contemporary society, based on an ethnographic audience research carried out with people belonging to middle class families in a medium-sized city, in the countryside of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The people who were questioned in that research see TV from a socially critical point of view, which...