Neuvonen, Päivi Joanna Tenreira, Luca Réveillère, Vincent
Cet article part du constat d’un déséquilibre persistant en droit de l’UE entre l’ardeur à s’inscrire dans des approches critiques et la faiblesse de la méthodologie critique pour se demander ce que peut apporter la critique aux juristes de droit de l’UE. Il s’appuie sur la richesse méthodologique de la théorie sociale critique pour expliquer comme...
Vich, Víctor
This article reviews the debate around the category of interculturality to highlight its theoretical achievements and its current relevance in public policy. However, it also attempts to show its limits, contradictions and aporias. Beyond asking what interculturality refers to, it reviews how it is used and what effects it has in the spaces where i...
Gandler, Stefan
This article is about the political commitment of the authors of Critical Theory. Many times they have been criticized (it still happens in current discussions) for not having been closer to some political group, some left-wing government, some party or union. In the context of this criticism I outline these reflections that try to demonstrate that...
Fisher, Benjamin
Taking up the opposition between Judaism and myth commonly invoked in modern Jewish thought, this dissertation traces its origins in nineteenth and twentieth century German-Jewish thinkers such as Heymann Steinthal, Hermann Cohen, Sigmund Freud, Erich Auerbach, Ernst Cassirer, and Theodor Adorno. It demonstrates how the imagined antagonism between ...
Riquelme Peña, Pedro
El objetivo de este trabajo es ofrecer una explicación sistemática de por qué la teoría política animal desarrollada en el marco del rawlsianismo metodológico tiene dificultades para ajustarse a los estándares de la justificación pública. Argumento, más específicamente, que el problema radica en que nuestra cultura política dificulta que los ciudad...
Tabas, Brad
It may seem obvious that the interests of social justice should always align with environmental justice on a limited planet Earth. Unfortunately, this is far from the case in practice, even in the Anthropocene. This essay provides a new cognitive mapping of how ideologically charged discourse splits the interests of people and planet. It offers a p...
Brenu, Nathan
Chercher des fantômes dans des lieux-fantômes est une activité qui connaît aujourd’hui un certain succès. Mais quelle place tient ce type de lieux dans les narrations de « chasseurs de fantômes » modernes ? Comment le cinéma et les nouvelles technologies de communication ont-ils pu alimenter les pratiques de tourisme macabre mises en scène sur YouT...
Bleher, Hannah Braun, Matthias
Published in
Science and Engineering Ethics
Critics currently argue that applied ethics approaches to artificial intelligence (AI) are too principles-oriented and entail a theory–practice gap. Several applied ethical approaches try to prevent such a gap by conceptually translating ethical theory into practice. In this article, we explore how the currently most prominent approaches of AI ethi...
Dao, André Sheikh, Danish
Published in
Law and Critique
This is an account of a reading project that began in February 2020. Australia was burning, a pandemic was simmering, the two of us were early in our PhD journeys at the Melbourne Law School. Already, we felt exhausted by critical theory which seemed to amplify the affects we felt all too intensely. Our reading project began as an attempt to find a...
Capella Palacios, Manuel
In this theoretical review, I explore possibilities for the construction of a collective mental health paradigm. I conduct such review by distancing myself from positivist, functionalist, bi-omedical and individualist perspectives, while emphasizing the fundamental role of social de-termination processes conceived from a critical, intercultural and...